real life

Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Luci Chiappini.

Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Luci Chiappini.

Until January of next year, I can (honestly) say that I still fall into the category of being in my late twenties! As I hurtle towards 30, I can also honestly say, that I’ve never been in a better place, in my life!

I am fiercely passionate, a lovestruck fiancee, a devoted friend, and a loyal daughter.

I love all things health and beauty related; be it indulging in an afternoon of Youtube beauty video watching or actually out and about, pre-dawn, pounding the pavement in an attempt to keep some level of personal fitness!

In a world that is ever-changing in its ability to reach audiences near and far, it amazes me what few barriers there are to be able to connect, and be connected, with like-minded people!

Wish me luck!

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