By Winona Dimeo-Ediger.
While buttoning my pants today I found to my dismay that my skinny jeans get skinnier with every passing day.
For the past few months, in fact, I’ve watched with shock and wonder as my stomach’s gotten softer and my thighs accrued more thunder. This winter’s been a doozy when it comes to winter fluff — those extra pounds of softness that the cold months conjure up.
At first this weight gain bothered me, because everybody knows a bigger number on the scale must be cause for stress and woe. But then I got to thinking about how this season’s been for me. And how my fabulously fluffy winter body came to be…
It started with the holidays, and tons of family time, laughing, eating cookies, making pasta, drinking wine. I skipped some yoga classes and missed out on jogging highs but I took walks with my mom and I made some awesome pies.