
This celebrity daughter has just graduated from High School.

Knowing that this celebrity child has just graduated from high school makes us feel veeeeery old.

Madonna’s eldest child, Lourdes, has graduated from New York’s “Fame school”, LaGuardia High.

Argh. How did she get so old? How did we get so old?

Lourdes, now 17, goes by the name Lola and she has written a blog on her fashion site Material Worlddiscussing her achievement:

HEY to all the readers. I don’t know if u heard (sarcasm) but I GRADUATED. GRAAAAAD. UATED. From High School. It’s very difficult to wrap my head around because I feel like its something I’ve been talking about FOR EVER and it finally happened.  There also isn’t the ominous presence of another year of high school and test taking up ahead like there usually is when you’re about mid way into the beautiful summer.

Lola is now headed to college.

She said she had a great time at her prom and even may have had some sneaky champagne, just like any normal teenager.

She writes:

A week before graduation I attended the classic party every American teenager goes to despite the really bad music – this is known as prom. What can I say? Those of you who have been probably know exactly what I’m talking about. Of course I had a beautiful time but I’ll attribute that to the fact that I partied with my awesome friends all night.  Not to mention awkwardly avoiding teachers because you may or may not have had some champagne and it would be weird to talk to them. Not to the prom dj’s who feel the need to play “please don’t stop the music” (what a prom classic I know they played that at your prom!) 5 times in 3 hours. Of course despite all of these weird prom factors, I got to spend an entire weekend kicking it with my high school homies. It was a great way to end the year.

Madonna posted this photo on her Instagram account, showing Lola and her friends just before their high school prom.

She hasn't shared her plans for her future as yet but we can't wait to see what she gets up to. She is very interested in fashion but for now,  Lola is off to college. She is thought to be attending the University of Michigan.

Mama Madonna must be incredibly proud.

CLICK THROUGH these photos of Lourdes over the past decade. Images courtesy of Material World blog and Instagram:

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