With regards to The Bachelor announcing that he is now desperately in love with 2nd runner up Louise Pillidge and that they plan on moving in together and the resulting outpouring of putrid hate towards Louise, can I say this?
Louise has been the subject of extreme vitriol and online condemnation for abandoning her ‘friends’ in the house in favour of hooking up with man whose love she was competing for.
To give you an idea of what the most hated woman in the country is copping online:
Seriously, take a proverbial chill pill Australia and for all our sakes, shelve the thing right up your bottom, so that it may take effect immediately.
I have not hidden my disdain for this television show, however it continues to dominate my social media timeline so perhaps I am the best person to comment on the latest happenings, as I’m not as emotionally involved as some of you appear to be.
In a exclusive interview with one of the ladies’ mags, Blake and Louise have professed their love for one another in a vomit inducing tell-all spectacular. Blake sent Louise a sappy letter via her father, confessing his deep love and expressed that he hoped to be her “first love, last love and only love” (pauses to dry wretch).