
Have you ever lost - or found - a pet?

Warning: if you have a tendency to cry in any movie, Youtube videos or even advertisements featuring an animal, you’re going to need an industrial pack of tissues.

Because there’s something about a missing-pet-comes-home story that strikes a chord in even the most hardened and cynical of hearts. And this one right here is a good’un.

In July last year, Dora the dog jumped the fence of her owners’ yard in Texas, USA, startled by the Independence Day fireworks. Despite weeks of fruitless searching, Dora’s owners never gave up hope of finding their beloved pet.

On 5 February this year, she was found in another part of the state when Collin County Animal Services scanned her microchip. They believed her to be a stray.

The footage of Dora’s reunion with her owner is an understated but truly touching human-animal moment. Seeing Dora slowly recognise and respond to her owner’s touch is so very, very lovely.

Take a look here:

What about you.. Have you ever had a lost pet or found a pet?



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