
Don't judge me but... I don't tell my husband I get Botox.

I’m keeping a secret from my husband, because he just doesn’t need to know.

I first brought up the subject of Botox to my husband two years ago when I turned 40. We were out to dinner and I mentioned I might look into getting it. The look of horror on his face really shocked me.

“You’d never really DO that, would you?” he demanded.

The answer is, yes I would, but I knew in that moment that if I ever did go ahead with Botox, I could never tell him. He completely disapproved. My husband thinks it is possible to age well naturally. He thinks as long as I stay healthy I’ll always look good. But the reality is that I don’t. I look tired, sallow and haggard. I want to age well and I need a little subtle intervention to look my best.

So I got Botox behind his back. I was worried he’d notice, but he didn’t.

Now I get Botox every few months and my husband has no idea. He thinks I’m having expensive facials giving me that youthful glow. He’ll sometimes comment that I look good but that’s it.

It has never occurred to him that I am getting Botox behind his back. To him, Botox is tantamount to getting a face-lift. And if he knew I did it, he would think I was a vain idiot.

I feel a bit bad about keeping it from him but I don’t have to tell him everything. He doesn’t need to know the details of all my trips to the beautician. He doesn’t need to know that I’m getting waxed, plucked and bleached and he doesn’t need to know I’m getting Botox, right?

So Botox is my little secret and he can keep thinking I’m aging well naturally.

Is it fine to keep secrets like this from your partner? Or do you think you should be an open book? 

If, like this reader, you have a dilemma that you would like advice about, please email with Don’t Judge Me in the subject field. You will be contacted before publication, and your identity will be protected.

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