
In 58 words, a 14-year-old girl summed up how we are all feeling after the London attacks.

When the lives of innocent people are so cruelly taken away in such senseless acts as the latest terror-related incident in London, it can be hard to find the words to express how we feel.

But a 14-year-old girl from the UK has found the words many are struggling to say, in a simple, 11 line poem posted to Twitter.

Abbie posted the poem in the hours after seven people were confirmed dead when a van ploughed into pedestrians on London Bridge, before a stabbing attack at Borough Market.

The poem, titled London Is Today’s Victim, has been retweeted hundreds of times, and has been liked by more than 1,200 people.


The 14-year-old – whose Twitter profile photo is of a YouTube star she is a fan of – encourages the world to avoid living in fear and not hide away.

“We should live our lives like we do most days,” she wrote.

Many replied with messages of thanks for the young teen’s moving words.

London police responded quickly to the attack. (Image via Getty.)

"That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing," one man wrote.

"Heartfelt words," wrote another.

Another agreed and said that "London will always be the victor".

Abbie's poem is the show of solidarity, as stories of heroic bystanders who helped others during the attacks come to light.

A man told Sky TV he saw multiple people being attacked with knives, so decided to distract the assailants.

"As they left I was going 'Oi, oi, cowards!'" Gerard Vowles said.

"I was just trying to get their attention by throwing things at them...I thought if I throw bottles or chairs they can come after me.

"If I can get them to come to the main road then the police can stop them, they can obviously shoot them."

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