
Chrissy was kissing the love of her life on London Bridge. Moments later, she was killed.


It was a warm summer evening and the sun had just gone down, when Christine Archibald stopped her fiancé spontaneously on London Bridge, grabbed him close and gave him a passionate, romantic kiss.

“I love you,” she told him.

Moments later, she died in her husband-to-be’s arms.

The 30-year-old Canadian social worker, affectionately known as Chrissy, was hit by a van carrying three terrorists. She was dragged by it, and then run over.

Her injuries were so catastrophic she couldn’t be saved.

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“No words can express how I felt. I was desperate and inconsolable. Nothing has ever been the same since,” said Tyler Ferguson at an inquest being held into her death in London, two years later.

“I love and still love Chrissy more than life itself. She was my angel. I can still feel her presence in the moon and know that she is always watching over me,” he said.

The three men went on to kill seven more innocent people, after crashing the van and going on a stabbing spree at nearby Borough Market, on June 3, 2017.

The terror and bloodshed they carried out lasted just eight minutes at 10pm at night, before they were shot dead by police.

Two Australians were among those killed, Sara Zelenak, 21, who was stabbed in the neck early on in the attack, and Kirsty Boden, 28, who ran to the aid of victims and was posthumously awarded for her bravery.


The other victims were Xavier Thomas, 45, Alexandre Pigeard, 26, Sebastian Belanger, 36, James McMullan, 32, and Ignacio Echeverria, 39.

The inquest is looking into their last moments, the response of emergency services, and the actions of armed officers during, and in the wake, of the attack.

london bridge
The victims of the London Bridge terror attack. Image: BBC.

Tyler described his relationship with Chrissy as a "full blown hearts-a-twitter romance".

Chrissy was originally from British Columbia, she had a twin and was a lover of animals.


After graduating from university she worked at Alpha House, a homeless shelter in Calgary for three years.

"Chrissy was a bright light to many, and her generosity, kind spirit and huge heart for her work in responding to issues of addictions and homelessness at the centre inspired us all," the shelter said in a statement.

She'd followed Tyler to the Netherlands six months prior, and they'd only recently got engaged. They were looking forward to starting a family together, and had plans to return home at the end of his overseas contract.

Tyler, an accountant, had been in London for a week on a business trip. Christine had met him there for the weekend - her first ever solo overseas journey.

"My brother is a traveller; he's been all over the world and knows London pretty well. He was showing her some sights and walking around and just enjoying the nice night," Tyler's brother Mark Ferguson described to CBC back in 2017.

The inquest heard on the night in question, Christine had been feeling "proud" for negotiating London's underground that day, before meeting up with her fiancé for dinner.

After their passionate moment, Tyler was walking a few steps ahead of his love, when the terror unfolded. It saved his life.

"He heard tires screeching and he looked back, and he just saw the mayhem going on and the van hitting people," Mark Ferguson told CBC of the moment the terrorists appeared on the bridge.

"He tried CPR on her... first responders showed up right away and they tried to do everything they could for her. She passed in his arms."


The days that followed were pure hell for Tyler.

He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. He couldn't think. He couldn't do anything.

"He's just trying to hold on until mum gets there," his brother explained at the time.

"Last night in London my baby brother lost the love of his life on the London bridge. In a split second his entire life was ripped away from him. Hearing his painful sobs on the phone while he's alone trying to deal with this tears me apart," wrote his sister on Facebook.

Chrissy's family released a statement via the Canadian government, it described her as a "beautiful, loving daughter and sister".


"She had room in her heart for everyone and believed strongly that every person was to be valued and respected," their statement read.

"She would have no understanding of the callous cruelty that has caused her death."

“Please honour her by making her community a better place. Volunteer your time and labour or donate to a homeless shelter. Tell them Chrissy sent you," was her family's final plea.

Her father told the inquest social work was his daughter's calling.

"Chrissy believed from the bottom of her soul that each and every person is worthy of respect."

Two years on from that fateful day, Tyler told the inquest her death is something he will never recover from.

“Chrissy’s ring was initially lost but during the clean-up of the bridge it was found and returned to me — I still wear it on a gold chain around my neck,” he revealed.

"A heart broken into a million pieces," said his sister in 2017. A descriptor still very much Tyler's reality, 23 months on.

The inquest will run for eight weeks and will be followed by a separate one for the killers, in front of a jury.

With AAP.

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