It’s mean, nasty, unnecessary and not even particularly interesting.
For those of you who don’t know. The Logies happened last night.
There’s still a buzz happening around everything that went down. From Carrie Bickmore’s stellar Gold Logie speech, Megan Gale maybe… possibly… definitely not… flashing an engagement ring, to the likes of new mums Asher Keddie and Sonia Kruger embracing their post-pregnancy bosoms in plunging gowns.
So when I woke up this morning and began my usual dig around the news, there was one (common) story that made me feel disappointed and sigh, “God, really?”
It’s the story where were pick apart what stars (99.9% of which are women… funny that) are wearing. Where we analyse every single detail, every inch of skin and preach comments like:
“That gown is too modest,” or “that gown is too exposed.”
“That outfit is too over the top,” or “that outfit is too understated.”
“That dress is too busy,” or “that dress is too boring.”
You guessed it, it’s the infamous Logies ‘worst dressed’ list. The embarrassing, cruel and outdated tradition where we point and laugh at stars who apparently lost when it comes to the ‘fashion stakes’.
"Bee-keeper hats teamed with gold slippers, princess party dresses and shapeless aqua 'sleeping bags': The bad, the worse and the downright shocking Logie fashion failures revealed," The Daily Mail cried. "Logies 2015 red carpet shockers: Susie Elelman, Conchita Wurst and Samantha Jade," screamed.