Annie Fox and her husband don’t live together. They live apart, together.
Before they got married they tried living together but they both hated it.
“It was a unique brand of hate—the type of deep displeasure that only exists when your two favourite things combine to equal something surprisingly shit. Like warm brie and a latte,” Fox says in a piece for Glamour.
And let’s be fair, living with someone is hard. Post continues after video.
Most people would think not being able to peacefully co-habitat was a red flag on a future marriage, Fox and her now husband had other ideas. She says she “wasn’t prepared to skip soft cheeses or say farewell to my favourite caffeine treat”.
So her husband moved into an apartment five blocks away.
A married couple not living together is hardly a new idea. There are books on the subject like “Living Happily Ever After — Separately” by Lise Stryker Stoessel and articles on Mamamia like ‘Why I love living apart from my partner’ by Kate Tate. But no matter how often you hear of a couple that sings the praises of having seperate space, it always seem strange.
Fox says their arrangement works for them, though she’s aware it probably wouldn’t work for most couples. By living apart, she believes she is better able to appreciate surprises and the little things her partner does for her. Things as simple as grabbing her a glass of water or handing her her phone when it’s just out of reach because these are things she regularly has to get up and do for herself.