
This morning the Today show weighed in on Rachael Finch's parenting.

Host of Channel Nine’s Today show, Lisa Wilkinson, and the Mixed Grill team have weighed in on Rachael Finch‘s Sunday Style interview, in which the 27-year-old model revealed she and husband Michael Miziner spend their weekends child free.

Finch explained that two-year-old daughter Violet stays with Miziner’s mother, Irena, from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning to allow Finch and her husband quality time together.

Finch says it’s a system that is “incredibly healthy for the relationship”.

Wilkinson asked the panel – which included guest journalists Phoebe Burgess and Sarrah Le Marquand: “Do you have a problem with this?”

For Burgess, it's a tough one.

"I think when I first read it I was initially very shocked," Burgess said, adding that as a woman who is looking forward to having children it "gave me a bit of a fright".

"If you're offloading your kids every weekend, they're obviously a bit of an energy drain," she said.

But upon considering the topic a little more, Burgess says she believes Finch is "trying to establish a modern relationship which finds the balance between children, her schedule, and her partner."

However she sees potential for the arrangement to become "problematic" for Finch and Miziner in the future.

"I think when (Violet) gets older that lumping her off to grandma every weekend could become problematic."


Meanwhile, Wilkinson was interested in the concept of fitting your children around your schedule.

"She says she wants three children, she doesn't want four because they won't fit into her schedule." Wilkinson told the pair, adding "Why have kids if you are only going to have them at a time when, mostly, I think Rachael will be going to work and they're missing out on play time with mum and dad."

A photo posted by Rachael Finch (@rachael_finch) on


"Presumably, (Michael's) made this decision as well, this isn't just about Rachael. The dad has made the decision," the host added added.

That very question 'Why have kids?' is an easy one to ask, says Le Marquand, but we should avoid snap judgements of parents.

"People are always very quick to come to social media and the comments section (online) and ask that when we're talking about any sort of childcare issue," the guest journalist said.

Citing her own "feeling of protection towards a fellow mother", Le Marquand doesn't believe that outsourcing parenting responsibilities isn't something to chastise a mother for.

"I think for something like this, whatever my personal views might be, I'm very reluctant to publicly condemn her and I agree a bit with Phoebe - my first reaction was a bit 'woah' when I read it on Sunday - but then I thought 'maybe I'm just a bit jealous'."

"Any unease I have might be coming from jealousy," she concluded.

What's your take on the controversy? Is it a problem for a child to spend nearly an entire weekend away from their parents each week?

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