
Lisa Wilkinson cut the Prime Minister absolutely no slack this morning.

It’s been a rough old week for Malcolm Turnbull, but Lisa Wilkinson was not about to cut him any slack when he appeared on the Today show this morning.

“We’ve kind of seen this movie before” she said, pointing the deep divisions obviously plaguing his government following his announcement of a possible double dissolution election in July.

If the Australian public were somewhat surprised by the prospect of voting mid-Winter, Treasurer Scott Morrison must have been dumbfounded to discover the date of his budget had moved by a whole week.

“All right Prime Minister, you talk about united government — I think Australia would love to see that. But earlier this week we saw that the Treasurer didn’t even know (you) were going to bring down the Budget (early),” Wilkinson said.

“Why didn’t you bring him in on the change? It is very embarrassing for him.”

You can watch the full segment here:

Prime Minister Turnbull justified the lack of communication by claiming it was his (captain’s?) call to make as Prime Minister and only “a very small circle” was informed after it was made on Sunday night.

“Scott Morrison is not in that small inner circle?” Wilkinson pressed, before basically asking if his phone was working.

He replied that Morrison was “fully aware of the likelihood” of a change, insisting he was not “out of the loop”.

Wilkinson then asked about the “very dark shadow” hanging over the Coalition — former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

“Have you spoken to Tony Abbot since he claimed you were running on his record of governance?” she asked.

Turnbull said he hadn’t.

“There does appear to be deep divisions within the coalition government and it is a case of we’ve kind of seen this movie before,” Wilkinson said.

“It is looking like the coalition is not a combined force at this stage.”


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