
Mum who lost twin baby during home birth gives evidence in trial of her midwife, & more in News in 5.

— With AAP.

1. “It seemed like things weren’t right”: Mum who lost twin baby during home birth gives evidence in trial of her midwife.

A birth video has been played in the trial of a former Adelaide midwife charged over the deaths of two babies during home births.

Lisa Jane Barrett, 52, has pleaded not guilty to two counts of manslaughter over the deaths of Tully Kavanagh in 2011 and another baby in 2012.

A video of Tully’s birth was played in the South Australian Supreme Court on Tuesday as his mother, Sarah Kerr, continued her evidence.


Ms Kerr said there were points when she was in “extensive pain” during the birth of Tully – the second of twins.

“I was getting confused about what was going on,” she said.

“I had already birthed a baby 35 minutes prior. I had a lot going on.”

At one point in the video, Ms Kerr can be heard asking Barrett whether they need to go to hospital.

“It seemed like things weren’t right but I didn’t know how,” she said.

“I would have gone (to hospital). That’s why I was asking her.”

Prosecutor Sandi McDonald SC told the court last week Barrett eventually went outside the house and smoked a cigarette while she called the hospital, but an ambulance was not called even when the situation became an emergency.

Tully was born in the car and, by the time he reached the hospital, he was not breathing and had no heartbeat.

He was put on a ventilator and moved to the neo-natal intensive care unit, but died two days later.

The court heard the second baby subject to the charges against Barrett was born to a woman who had several health issues which made the birth high risk and that the baby was in the breech position.

The child was not breathing when paramedics arrived at the house, was later diagnosed with a brain injury and “a very poor long-term prognosis”, and died shortly after birth.

The prosecution argues Barrett downplayed the risks involved with home birth and failed to take action when things went wrong.


The trial continues before Justice Ann Vanstone in the absence of a jury.

2. One Nation members claim they were “drunk” during gun lobby conversation.

The One Nation members claim they were "set up". Image: Getty.

The One Nation members caught on hidden camera talking about getting $20 million from the American gun lobby say they were set up by a Middle Eastern spy and were drunk during the conversation.

Footage from Qatari TV network Al Jazeera shows Queensland leader Steve Dickson and Pauline Hanson's chief of staff James Ashby meeting with pro-gun groups, including the powerful National Rifle Association.


Mr Dickson is recorded saying that with enough funding, One Nation would get the balance of power and have control over the government and be able to weaken Australia's gun laws.

He also says in one clip that with millions of dollars in funding the party would have Australia's government "by the balls".

Mr Ashby said they only spoke with undercover Al Jazeera reporter Rodger Muller about the potential $20 million in donations.

"We'd arrived in America, we got on the sauce, we'd had a few drinks and that's where those discussions took place, not with any potential donors, no-one but Rodger Muller, Steve Dickson and myself," he told reporters.

Mr Dickson said the the dollar figure was in response to a question from Mr Muller "how much money would it take for One Nation to be successful?"

Mr Muller posed as the head of fake lobby group Guns Rights Australia which was set up by Al Jazeera and initiated the One Nation meetings with the NRA.

"Rodger Muller ... was employed by a Middle Eastern country, Al Jazeera, to come to Australia, as a spy, to infiltrate into Australian politics," Mr Dickson said.

Mr Ashby said it was deliberate set-up by the Qatari government and "skulduggery at its worst."

"This is the very first time Australia has witnessed political interference from a foreign government."


Prime Minister Scott Morrison said One Nation was prepared to sell out Australia's gun laws.

"No law should be up to the highest bidder as some part of foreign interference," Mr Morrison told reporters.

"But the fact that they were prepared to do it, if you were ever wondering why you shouldn't be voting One Nation there's a pretty good reason."

Mr Dickson and Mr Ashby met with the NRA and Koch Industries - America's second largest privately held company and major conservative political donor.

One Nation has referred the Al Jazeera report to police over concerns about foreign interference in Australian politics before the May federal election.

The party insists it "strongly supports the rights of lawful gun ownership" and claims Al Jazeera targeted it because of its policies on restricting immigration.

The investigation, broadcast overnight on Monday, features a recording of a meeting in Washington DC last September.

Mr Dickson tells NRA officials that for the world to look to Australia as a model for gun control would be "poison".

"If you had 20 ($US20 million), you would own the lower house and the upper house," says Mr Ashby, who was recently banned from Parliament House in Canberra after a fight with senator Brian Burston.

The NRA meeting was shortly before legislation banning foreign donations cleared parliament in November with One Nation's support.


3. William Tyrrell's foster mother recalls hearing a muffled "scream" after he disappeared.

William Tyrrell's foster mother has told a NSW coroner she heard a high-pitched and muffled "scream" minutes after the three-year-old vanished in September 2014.

The woman also testified she thought he'd been snatched when it went quiet while the boy, dressed as Spiderman, was playing "daddy tiger".

"I couldn't hear a thing. It was silent. There was no wind. There were no birds," the foster carer said on Tuesday at a Sydney inquest into William's disappearance and suspected death.

william tyrrell
William Tyrrell disappeared in 2014. Image: Supplied.

She said sound carries "unbelievably" well in the little village of Kendall, on the mid north coast, and "you can hear everything".

She stood in the backyard of her mother's house wondering why she couldn't hear William or see his costume as "it hasn't been that long".

"My immediate thought was somebody has taken him and he's gone," she said.


The woman, who cannot be identified, said she heard "like a scream" while searching for William near long grass.

"When a child hurts themselves unexpectedly, there's a scream. And it felt like a scream. And it was quick, and it was high-pitched and it was sharp," she said.

"I got into the bush and I thought ... maybe I imagined it, maybe it was a bird."

In a statement made to police, the foster mother said: "William's cry is quite distinctive when he's distressed."

"But it was quick, it was ... almost only like, three seconds and it sounded muffled."

She called triple-zero at 10.56am, estimating he had gone missing at 10.30am.

The last photo of William was taken at 9.37am.

On Monday, the foster mother said she saw three cars on the street the morning he disappeared - including one white and one grey car parked between two driveways.

Continuing her evidence on Tuesday, the woman said she didn't realise until after William went missing that those two cars were gone.

"In the initial stage (of searching), it didn't even occur to me those cars weren't there," she said.

Neighbours quickly helped to look for William, with some posting on Facebook for assistance while others did line searches with the SES or brought in their quad bikes, the coroner heard.


Anne Maree Sharpley said the foster mother was "rather upset" and told her words to the effect of: "He's either hit his head and can't answer me or somebody's taken him because he knows to answer me."

Another testified her young daughter called out for William because "I thought by now he would be scared (and) maybe he would respond to a little person".

William's foster father, biological parents and police are due to give evidence for the remainder of the week.

Further hearings will run in August when persons of interest will be called to testify.

Counsel assisting the coroner, Gerard Craddock SC, said he expected the evidence would altogether establish William "was taken" and his disappearance "was the direct result of human intervention".

The inquest before Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame continues.

Listen to The Quicky debrief on the truth about William Tyrrell's parents, and what happened after the three-year-old's disappearance.

4. Measles health alert issued in Melbourne and Brisbane.


Two cities and three airports are under a measles cloud as a young man is treated for the infectious disease in a Melbourne hospital.

The teenager boarded an aircraft at Brisbane Airport on Thursday morning, before catching a connecting flight to Canberra which set him en route to the Victorian capital.

After arriving in Melbourne, the man caught a shuttle bus from the airport to Nomads All National Hostel on Spencer Street, where he stayed until Sunday.

He also attended a 7-Eleven on Spencer Street last Friday and the Chemist Warehouse on Bourke Street the following day.

The man earlier visited Coles Marketplace and checked in at Brisbane Backpacker Resort last Tuesday, where he stayed until flying out of the city.

The ACT has also issued a measles warning because the man was at Canberra Airport for up to an hour.


Victoria's latest measles case is unrelated to a woman who attended the Melbourne Formula One GP while infectious with the disease.

But it comes as Queensland health authorities confirmed on Monday a case of a man with measles who visited a number of public spots across Brisbane from March 13 to March 21.

The man was at the Sportsman Hotel, the Ferny Grove train line, Fitness First gym on Elizabeth Street, as well as Palace Cinemas and Discount Drug Stores in Fortitude Valley.

Victoria's chief health officer Brett Sutton said the cases are a timely reminder for people to ensure they are vaccinated.

"Anyone who is unvaccinated is at highest risk of contracting measles," he said, adding that people need two doses of vaccine to be fully protected.

The disease is highly infectious and symptoms include fever, a severe cough, conjunctivitis and coryza, followed by a rash starting on the face.

Measles patients can be infectious roughly five days before and four days after the rash appears.

5. Spacesuit issue ends NASA's plans for the first all-women spacewalk.


What should have been a giant leap for womankind has turned into a stumble on the path to equality after US space agency NASA cancelled the first all-female spacewalk because a lack of a spacesuit in the right size.

Anne McClain and Christina Koch had been due to step into history books in a spacewalk on Friday, during the final week of Women's History Month.

But McClain will now give up her place on the mission to her male colleague Nick Hague, NASA announced late on Monday.

"Mission managers decided to adjust the assignments, due in part to spacesuit availability on the station," NASA said in a statement.

"McClain learned during her first spacewalk that a medium-size hard upper torso - essentially the shirt of the spacesuit - fits her best. Because only one medium-size torso can be made ready by Friday, March 29, Koch will wear it."


Nearly 60 years after the first human blasted off into space, less than 11 per cent of the 500 plus people who have travelled to space have been women, and spacewalk teams have been all-male or male-female.

McClain and Koch were both part of the 2013 NASA class that was 50 per cent women.

NASA said the decision to change the plan was made in consultation with McClain after a spacewalk last week.

"Anne trained in M and L and thought she could use a large but decided after Friday's spacewalk a medium fits better," wrote spokeswoman Stephanie Schierholz on Twitter.

"In this case, it's easier (and faster!) to change spacewalkers than reconfigure the spacesuit."

The NASA announcement was met with disappointment and anger by many following the much-anticipated mission on social media, with some arguing an all-female spacewalk was overdue.

Others said they were sad that a milestone moment on women's space exploration had been deferred, but safety came first.

"I'm super disappointed about the all-woman spacewalk not happening as scheduled this Friday but I'm also super supportive of astronauts having the authority to say 'I would be safer using a different piece of equipment'," wrote Emily Lakdawalla, a senior editor at the US non-profit The Planetary Society.

"An all-woman spacewalk WILL eventually happen."

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