
Sam on Blake's side of the story: "That's the biggest load of sh*t I've heard in my life."


Just when you thought the Bold and the Beautiful Bachelor drama was over…

Last night, The Project aired an exclusive interview with Blake and Louise.

(If you’re just catching up, Blake is the man who went on a TV show called The Bachelor where 30 girls competed for his love. Louise was one of those girls. But she wasn’t the girl who Blake gave an engagement ring to in the final episode. That was Sam. Sam is now single because Blake broke up with her. He then wrote Louise a letter about his love and now Blake and Louise are shacked up in a mansion in Thailand. We know.)


Tonight, the clever people behind The Project showed the aforementioned interview to Blake’s final two girls Sam and Lisa and aired their reactions for the world to see.

Just happy to have found each other, these girls.

Here’s what they had to say:

On watching Blake tell the world that Sam had asked him not to reveal his love for Louise when he broke of their engagement:

Sam: “That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve heard in my life.”

Lisa: “It’s just a web of lies.”

Sam: “I had suspicions he was interested in someone else, because he’d said to me that he’d invested a lot of feelings in the top four, [but] When I raised my suspicions with him, he flat out denied it.”

“I would have preferred for him to say that because I don’t think it looks bad on me at all.” No, Sam, it doesn’t.

“The biggest load of shit I’ve heard in my life.”

On the letter Blake wrote Louise after the finale…


But, because “bombshells”, there’s more. Louise has told the world that before the finale, Blake wrote her a “beautiful, heartfelt letter” explaining how he felt about her.

Not so fast, says runner-up Lisa, because he was sniffing around her, too: “He actually called me after the finale. He was quite upset with everything that had gone on. I was giving him a bit of support, but still letting Sam know that he was in contact with me, but then he asked me if I still had feelings for him and if I could see a future with him.

Lisa: Nobody’s number two. 

“I told him to get lost. I said how dare you say that to me and how dare you try to ruin the friendship between Sam and I.

Lisa on coming second…

“If you wanted to choose me, you choose me as your number one, not your number two. I would never be second to anyone.”

Zing, Bachie!

” I messaged Louise and told her he contacted me and she hasn’t replied.I think she’s a little bit naive to believe it.”

On their friendship…

Lisa tearily told the world that rather than ending up with douchey Blake, she’s won the Lotto with a new best mate. “I feel like I went on this journey to find Sam,” she says.

And that, we have to really, really hope, is the happy ending.

Please. Let it be the happy ending.

Take a look at what Sam’s been up to post Bachelor:

If you missed Carrie Bickmore’s excellent interview with Blake and Lousie in Thailand, here it is: 


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