
8 tips to hack your LinkedIn and get noticed, according to recruitment experts.

LinkedIn is sometimes seen as 'Facebook's poor cousin' – an online CV that you only update when you're about to start job-hunting.

But according to recruitment and industry experts, LinkedIn is a really powerful tool that we should try to optimise more.

Not only is the platform great for networking and gaining connections in your industry, but it's also a way to build a personal brand, boost your profile and even find potential work opportunities. 

To help you reach your LinkedIn goals, we've brought in the big guns by asking experts in the industry to provide us with some tips and tricks. 

Here's what they had to say.

Watch: Men and women negotiating their salary. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

1. You need to build a brand.

"The game is changing all the time. So it's definitely important to build your own brand on LinkedIn," says Joanna Ward, the Co-Founder and Director of MAYDAY Recruitment. "There's more to it than just sending random messages or connecting with others."

She continued: "Know your space or industry and build a network based on that specifically. Also, post content or job successes in that same space, and you're on your way to developing a strong personal brand."


2. Keep things concise and remember your keywords.

When it comes to creating or managing a LinkedIn profile, readability and visibility are key, says Nicole Gorton who is the Director of Robert Half

"The best LinkedIn profiles are easy for recruiters to find, and clearly show your experience and employment history."

Another factor you should on are keywords. 

"The most effective step to getting noticed on LinkedIn is building out your profile with appropriate keywords. Think about the roles you'd like to be considered for and include some relevant keywords in your job title, skills, education, and summary that hiring managers are likely to search for."

3. Do you have an engaging tagline? 

If you're happy with your current role and the job description, then it's perfectly great to have that as your tagline on LinkedIn.

But if you're in between jobs, not crazy about your current role's title or you are studying, here's what to do. Recruitment expert Christine Khor recommends you choose a title that better reflects your skills and interests.

"Have a title or tag that really describes who you are and what you do. This can be tricky when you're a student or someone with limited experience. Perhaps try something like - 'Passionate about marketing, strategy and growing my career', or something relevant to your industry and ideal career path."

4. Showcase any online courses you have done. 

When a future employer is looking at your LinkedIn page, it's always a great idea to have a list of some of the recent online courses you have done. 


It could be to do with leadership, attention to detail, upskilling or networking. And luckily, there are short and snappy courses available on LinkedIn, and once you have done one, it's then highlighted on your profile for anyone to see.

As career expert and LinkedIn Changemaker, Dr Amantha Imber, told Mamamia - "You'll walk away with lots of practical tips to help achieve your career goals."

Not to mention, it's a great way to 'beef up' your LinkedIn profile. A win/win!

Image: Getty.


5. Keep your posts professional - but also relatable.

Some of the best LinkedIn posts have an empathetic and relatable element. Stories of CEOs starting at the bottom and working their way up. Women in the workforce sharing the realities of managing a career and family life. People championing small businesses. And stories of positive change that have inspired someone. 

"When we look at the statistics, posts that are more on the relatable and honest side tend to get lots of views and engagement. Plus, mixing up your content posts is key - some which are industry-targeted and then others which are more light-hearted too," Joanna from MAYDAY Recruitment notes. 

"And last but not least, regular posting is always a good option."

6. Remember LinkedIn isn't Facebook.

Of course, LinkedIn is technically a social networking platform. But it's for work-related networking, rather than friendship networking - and that's an important distinction for users to remember. 

"I think more recently there's been a bit of talk about the difference between LinkedIn and Facebook. People need to remember to keep it professional, so don't post anything too personal or not work-friendly on LinkedIn," says Joanna from MAYDAY Recruitment.

Listen to 8 Minutes To Change Your (Work) Life: The one question you have to ask yourself before posting on social media. Post continues after audio.

7. LinkedIn should complement rather than replicate your CV.

As well as ensuring your professional history is up to date, your LinkedIn summary is a crucial element in standing out, says Nicole from Robert Half.


"The recommended formula is to say what are your areas of specialisation, your professional strengths and why you make work-life better and to give proof that substantiates it. Your LinkedIn should complement rather than replicate your CV. While an effective CV should be tailored to every job you apply for and provide granular detail about relevant responsibilities, your LinkedIn should serve as a snapshot that promotes your skills, values and achievements in short form."

8. Embrace the 'Recommendations' feature.

Last but not least, Nicole also suggests embracing all the features LinkedIn - and similar platforms like it - have to provide.

"A commonly overlooked aspect of a LinkedIn profile - which can be a powerful point of differentiation in the job search experience - is the Recommendations feature," she explains.

The Recommendations feature is when colleagues, former/current bosses or managers can write a 'review' of sorts on your profile, recommending certain skills you have as a worker. And Nicole says there are only benefits of incorporating these reviews into your profile.

"Don't be afraid to approach past and present colleagues for recommendations and endorsements. It's a good way to strengthen the content on your profile and helps to verify your skillset."

Do you have any LinkedIn tips? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia.

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