
"Every moment of the birth I fought it." Lindy Chamberlain on giving birth in prison.

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton is now 71 years old.

In a rare interview for the fourth season of Anh’s Brush With Fame, Lindy describes giving birth to her fourth child in prison, just a month after she was wrongfully sentenced for the death of her baby Azaria.

“I knew the moment she was born they were going to take her off me. So every moment of the birth I fought it, (it was) like ‘keep her inside, she’s yours, the minute she’s out, she’s not’,” she told Do.

Here is the trailer to Anh Do’s season four of Brush With Fame. Post continues after video.

Video by ABC

Daughter Kahlia was born in Darwin hospital, and Lindy says it was a painful process.

Four decades ago, nine-week-old Azaria disappeared while Ms Chamberlain and then husband Michael and their three children were on a camping trip at Uluru in August 1980.

The baby’s body was never found.

Lindy was adamant a dingo took her little girl, but despite her pleas she was sentenced to life behind bars in 1982 after being found guilty of Azaria’s murder.


She spent three years behind bars before being acquitted.

While chatting to Do, Lindy says she’s grateful for her stint in jail, for making it better for other Australians.

“If I hadn’t gone through all that we wouldn’t have the laws that we’ve got in Australia right now, we’ve got independent forensic science now as a result of that trial.

Lindy gave birth to Kahlia a month after being sentenced over Azaria's death. Image: Getty.

"If I'd been let out at the time, if I'd been found not guilty at the trial, we wouldn't have those laws," Ms Chamberlain-Creighton said.

She explained that faith got her through the hard times.

"To me, I was never a victim, because I knew I had a clear conscience and God knew I had a clear conscience, so it doesn't matter what anyone else believes because me and God knew the truth," she explained.

But when the conversation ever strayed back to her children, the emotion was raw.

Seeing her sons' anguish at her being imprisoned was heartbreaking.

In 1986, an Englishman fell to his death climbing Ayres rock and came to rest beside a matinee jacket, which was what Lindy described Azaria was wearing at the time she disappeared.

It was this vital evidence that saw her released.

There were four inquests and a government inquiry into the little girl's death, and it wasn't until 2012 that Ms Chamberlain-Creighton was finally exonerated and received $1.3 million in compensation from the Australian government.

You can watch the full episode of Brush With Fame with Chamberlain-Creighton on ABC iView.

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