
Lindsay Lohan talks candidly about her relationship for the first time following release of violent photos.

Images have emerged showing an altercation between Lindsay Lohan and her fiancé, Egor Tarabasov.

The couple were recently spotted on the Greek Island of Mykonos for what ought to have been a romantic vacation for the husband-and-wife-to-be, celebrating the actress’s 30th birthday.

Instead, the holiday was marred by drama and violence, erupting into an explosive fight that was captured on film.

Since this disturbing altercation between Lindsay and her Russian fiancé, the actor has admitted this to be one of many other violent outbreaks within the relationship, having been assaulted already in the past.
Lohan informed The Daily Mail that her relationship seems to be coming to a close.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love,” Lohan said.

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry.”

The photographs that captured the tragic event show the couple aggressively intertwined, with Tarabasov grappling with Lohan as he holds her arms behind her back.








  These photographs occurred following a first altercation, during which the couple argued in a black Jeep, leading Lohan to throw Tarabasov’s phone in the sand and flee the car. The photos were taken as Tarabasov tried to take the mobile from behind her back. Of the incident, Lohan said only that, “Egor drank too much and he went crazy.” Before this tumultuous occasion, the pair were involved in yet another violent dispute, which lead to a video wherein Lohan can be heard screaming, “Please, please. He just strangled me. He almost killed me.” Despite this evidence, no one was charged. 

Of this event, Lohan shared:

“Egor and I had been out for dinner. We danced, it was fun.

“When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me. He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth. There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.

“It’s not the first time. That’s the problem. But this time, someone saw. I didn’t call anyone, I’ve dealt with enough police in LA. I just left the house and went to the Connaught [Hotel] for the night. I contacted my good friend [Israeli socialite] Hofit Golan who was in St Tropez. She said, ‘Get on a plane, come and meet me,’ so I did.”

A look at Lohan’s Instagram posts before the tragic altercations with her fiancé became apparent.

Since the violent altercation, Lohan has left the island and has not seen her fiancé since, despite continuing to wear her engagement ring.

“The truth is, I wanted to make things work,” she said. “But now I’m not sure that I can.

“I need closure. I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.”

A message to bring domestic violence against women to an end. Post continues below…

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“I know I’m not an angel but I’ve tried to fix things. It’s down to him now. I had suggested we go for couples’ counselling but there comes a time when I have to put myself first, my family, and also think about my career which I’ve worked so hard for. I also don’t want to let my fans down by not being the strong woman I have become.”

If you or someone you care about is living with family violence please call safe steps 24/7 Family Violence Response Line on 1800 015 188 or visit for further information.

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