
You will not believe how this one thing can change someone's face so much.

It’s just lighting. But it’s incredibly powerful.

This video shows the amazing effects lighting can have on the appearance of a person’s face. Through revolving angles and changing colours, it looks like the model, Stella Stocker’s features, expressions, even bone structure are changing.

At times she looks like she could be a different person.

This clip is directed by Nacho Guzman, and is an homage to French director Henri-Georges Clouzot.

Whatever the influence, it’s astounding, and even a little disarming, to watch. With different characteristics being highlighted or shadowed, it appears as if Stocker’s face is morphing and evolving in front of your eyes, with nothing more than a revolving light and changing colours.

Amy is an intensive intern at Mamamia. She is in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Communications. You can follow her on Twitter here.

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