real life

You might think it’s the right time for success, but sometimes life has other plans.

Thanks to our brand partner, Lindeman's

You might remember Amity Dry from The Block in 2003, and then from the All Stars edition in 2013 – but today, Amity Dry is not talking about home renovations.

She’s talking about the amazing friend she has in Bec Sparrow, who taught her that just because you think it’s the right time for success, sometimes life has other plans. And that’s ok.

This video is sponsored by Lindeman’s Early Harvest Wines




Check out some sneaky behind the scenes pics of the ‘Lighter Side of Life’ video shoot (this post continues after the gallery)…

For your chance to win 1 of 5 Summer Lindeman’s Early Harvest Packs, click here!

Lindeman’s Early Harvest is a range of crisp and fruity wines that are 25% lighter in alcohol and calories*, and refreshingly full of flavour. Pick something lighter to enjoy at  (*when compared to wine stated on the bottle).




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