
11 investments every woman should make in their life (and no, we’re not talking about the stock market).

Thanks to our brand partner, HESTA

They’re worth the sacrifice. Trust us.

A round-the-world trip guaranteed to use up all of our annual leave (#worthit). That Chanel bag you’ve dreamed of owning ever since you saw it on The Devil Wears Prada. Or even a deposit for a mortgage.

Yep – some investments in life are worth the effort. But we’re not just talking about material things here.

Here are 11 investments every woman should make in her lifetime.

1. Travel as much as you can.

Whether it be trekking to Machu Picchu or gallivanting across Europe, travelling is one of the best investments you can ever make. The memories will last forever (not to mention the bragging rights and epic Instagram pics that come along with them). It can be as little as a two-week cruise or an entire adult gap year.

2. Develop a good skincare routine.

Your body’s largest organ should not be disregarded. Healthy skin can have a massive effect on your daily mood and how you feel about yourself. So make sure to get into a routine that works for you and your skin type.

Pro tip: When you moisturise and apply sunscreen, make sure you cover your face all the way down to your boobs, as your décolletage is highly susceptible to sun damage.

3. Take care of your super.

It’s time to recognise that your super is an investment – so it’s important to really own it and look after it, and the best way to do that is to put more money in.

It will pay back (literally) down the track. Even just putting aside an extra $20 per week (hey, we can all find that can’t we?) will make a huge difference. After all, it’s your asset, so it just makes sense to look after it.


4. Further your education.

Furthering your education is one of the best investments you can make for yourself in this lifetime. It will equip you with skills to help you nab your dream job, and what’s better than loving what you do?

5. Buy a good-quality handbag.

Your handbag is something that you are guaranteed to use every single day. So the cost per wear actually equals out before you know it. And it will last you years. YEARS, I SAY. Pro tip: Black leather will never date and it goes with everything (also it doesn’t get completely ruined when your water bottle leaks through it). 

6. Find a mentor.

Everyone needs someone – from both a personal and a professional sense – who can guide them, advise them and tell it like it is when needed. That’s why finding a mentor is so important.

So don’t be scared to find someone you really admire and then ask them to mentor you. Chances are, they’ll be flattered – and their help will be priceless.

7. Look after yourself.

Make a conscious effort to look after and nourish yourself. Whether that be eating well, getting up half an hour earlier to do exercise or even ten minutes of meditation per day, listen to your body – because you’ve only got one.

8. Cherish your friends.

Life gets in the way. We get it. It happens to everyone. But friends are worth skipping an episode of your favourite show over. Take the time to catch up with them, on the phone or face to face. Having close friends is scientifically proven to make you happier – plus you’ve got an excuse to go to brunch every weekend.


9. Buy a house.

Probably one, if not the biggest investments (money-wise) you’ll make in your life. Buying a house is a big deal, and not one you should take lightly.

But with it comes a sense of security and accomplishment and a place you can truly make your home. Warning: you will become addicted to home-styling ideas on Pinterest.

10. Buy the staples.

Yes, trends come and go but some style staples will be on your weekly to-wear radar for years. Pro tip: Look for good-quality material in neutral colours. This way you’ll be able to mix and match and add a pop of colour with a statement necklace.

11. Lend your time.

Why not spend some time helping others? Just dedicating one weekend of volunteer work per year is guaranteed to make you happier and help improve the lives of others bit by bit.

Look up your local refugee centre and offer to teach English, or visit your local community centre to find out how you can lend a hand at home. Many employers offer leave for volunteering, so don’t forget to check if yours does too.

Which of these have you yet to accomplish? Which are ticked off?


Here are some of our favourite high-achieving women, should you need some more inspiration…

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