
Why do so many women lie about what they eat?

Heidi Klum and her friend Cheeseburger





Ever wondered why celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz always bang on about the all burgers and fried food they eat, yet never ever seem to put on any weight? Could it be because they’re….being less than truthful?

The Daily Mail has dubbed these celebrities as ‘Liarexic’. Yes, we know that some people object to the trivialisation of anorexia by other forms of disordered eating adopting their suffix.

But we didn’t make up this name, we’re just telling you about it.

Apparently Liarexia is the notion that people, namely women, will eat large amounts of food (or a particular type of food eg: burgers and fries) in public yet strictly limit their portions in private. A new eating disorder if you will.

It’s all about appearing to have a ‘normal’ relationship with food, or wanting to be skinny without seeming like you are really trying.

Hmmmm, could this possibly be why every interview with a female celebrity usually involves the journalist remarking how surprised she is to see her subject order (and devour) so much food? Even moreso if the celebrity has been battling ‘too thin’ media coverage?

A psychotherapist quoted in the article says, “it’s connected to feeling shame around food and it’s often sparked by fear of being challenged by other people.”

Make that other WOMEN.  Not many men stare daggers at you or immediately feel guilty if you choose to eat a salad when they decide to go all out with pizza with garlic bread on the side.

Why is that? The psychologist believes that women are more critical of their friends’ food choices than men are, “if you’re overweight and trying to lose weight people will reassure you, but if you’re slim, other women often feel judged if you refuse food — as if you’re highlighting their own lack of control.”


We’ve previously been told by dieticians and nutritionists that a healthy diet is about maintaining an equilibrium, you can occasionally eat food like burgers, cakes and fries and not put on weight if you adjust the calorie intake of the other foods you are consuming and maintain an exercise routine. I guess the problem resides when you take it too far on one side of the scales.

I’ve always considered the way I eat to be relatively healthy, I like to splurge when I’m out, but balance it out with healthy meals the rest of the time (I don’t mean teensy tiny portions). I’ve watched Masterchef and have seen how much butter, sugar and seasoning those chefs put their dishes, so I figure I’ll just enjoy the food and experience of being out, without worrying excessively about calories. I didn’t really think this was abnormal at all, I assumed it’s the way most people function. I’ll of course have the occasional attack of the munchies, where I’ll consume a family-size packet of salt and vinegar chips, but I try not to get too hung up about it.

Do you lie about the amount of food you eat? Do you eat one way in public and another in private?

If you or someone you know has an eating disorder and you need help please contact The Butterfly Foundation.  The Butterfly Foundation provides support for Australians who suffer from eating disorders and negative body image issues.  They also provide support for their carers.  They can be contacted through their website at or on (02) 9412 4499

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