Debora Gallo, 38, and Nina Ponten, 32, started their journey to have a baby two years ago and they are still waiting for news – on the edge of their seat.
“About four weeks ago my partner, Nina, had an egg collection and then with the donor sperm we selected, they fertilised the egg. We had quite a number of embryos – which was good news.
“They were frozen and today the three-day-old embryo was reintroduced. Now we have to wait 10 days and do the blood test to see if it worked,” said Ms Gallo.
“We have a one in three chance that it will work,” said Ms Ponten.
The couple admit it has been an emotional roller coaster, after three failed attempts at intrauterine insemination (IUI), the pair were encouraged to give IVF a try.
Deb and Nina have been on their baby journey for two years. Image supplied.
"I've been up and down. The first time you get really excited then the second time I was a bit more - 'I will see what happens' - and the third time you get excited again, so now I'm not sure whether to get too excited or just to see how it goes," said Ms Gallo.
The Sydneysiders chose their anonymous donor from a list of about 50 men - and the majority were from the US, with only three or four Australian men to choose from.
"It's a bit like on online dating. You go online and check out the photos, and you check out the bio, and make a list," said Debora.
Over the past two years they have had their heart's set on particular donors and when it hasn't worked, they have to start from scratch and choose a new one.