
Boy writes letter to tooth fairy asking for a pay rise. Tooth fairy handles it like a pro.

When I lost my first tooth I was very happy receiving 50 cents. But for one boy, $1 was just not enough.

Originally posted to Reddit, a woman shared the letter her friend’s son received after asking the tooth fairy if his $1 could be upgraded to $5.

The letter tells the boy “it was very bold of you to ask for more money” and adds that although his request has been declined, in the future “we [have] decided to increase your TPO (tooth pay out) by $1 for future extractions. This is with the stipulation the tooth is cavity free.”

letter to the tooth fairy
"It was very bold of you to ask for more money" (Image: Reddit).

As for any teeth lost that are not cavity free?

The letter reads, "Should you place a cavity filled tooth under your pillow you will receive a bill to cover our costs of flight travel. We cannot take CFT's (cavity filled teeth) back with us."

Seems like a pretty genius way to get your child to brush their teeth, huh?

Listen: How the couple who quit work at 30 handle the tooth fairy. (Post continues...)

This Reddit post has proved very popular, with over 1000 users commenting.

One user said "$1? C'mon. Give the lil guy $5, at least" whilst another said "best parenting ever".

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