My darling son,
I know that grand final season is upon us. You know it too. You seem to have inherited your father’s love of AFL and I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get to watch anything other than sports on my TV again.
But as your Mum, I am gearing myself up for a different kind of grand final. The kind where you’re about to start “big school”. The kind where we begin the end.
That’s not meant to sound pessimistic. It’s the opposite. Just around the corner is a stage of your life filled with learning, laughing and living. You’re about to meet new friends. Friends who may travel beside you for the rest of your life. You’re about to make your own mark on the world, without me holding your hand every step of the way.
Your mind will be blown by all the things that you’ll learn and you, as a person will thrive. You’ll meet teachers who “get” you, who can teach you in a way I never could. They’ll show you things about your world and your interest in it will grow. My heart will swell each time I see you excited to learn. You will develop a bond with these teachers which will be so special that many years down the track, you’ll recall how magic they were.
Then, they’ll be teachers that don’t get you. That’s life. We can ride that out together. Just know that whatever we face, I am always your advocate. You’ve always got someone in your corner.
As your Mum, it’s also the start of me letting go. Ever so slightly I know that we are starting our “lasts” of this stage of your life.