
Let's stop the parent shaming together.

My god you’re slammed,
For breast feeding in public,
For “brexting”,
For formula feeding,
For starting solids to early,
For starting solids too late.
For baby wearing,
For co sleeping,
For self settling,
For dummy use.
For natural birth,
For Caesarean section birth.
For birthday parties,
And even for giving your kid smarties.

You’re damned if you do,
You’re damned if you don’t.

Isn’t is about time we stop #‎parentshaming‬? Isn’t it time we start working together? We all want the same thing: a happy, healthy baby.

We're scared. We have no flipping idea what we're doing half the time. We feel alone sometimes too. It doesn't matter how many children you have... Parenting is hard. (Image via The Modern Mumma).

Has anyone else seen the rise in postnatal mental health issues?

There is more to it than postnatal depression. Many young women are diagnosed with anxiety, OCD, even panic disorder. Has anyone else seen these young vulnerable women who are too scared to ask for help because they aren't sure they should? Just in case they become the next secret mothers' group discussion in a private chat on Facebook.

When was the last time you asked someone: "Are you ok? Can I help you? You're doing a great job." Instead of saying: "Woah... Did you just see Becky feeding her baby whilst playing on her phone?"

We're scared. We have no flipping idea what we're doing half the time. We feel alone sometimes too. It doesn't matter how many children you have. It doesn't matter how old they are. Parenting is hard. In a world filled with millions, it shouldn't be lonely too.

Step up and tell someone you're proud of them. Tell them they're doing a kick arse job. Ask them if they need any help.

There is nothing worse than reading media, scrolling news feeds of strangers and wishing you were just like them.

Whilst thinking no one cares.

People care. Majority of us care.

If you need help ask for it.

This post originally appeared on The Modern Mumma. For more from Mel Watts, you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

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