Lena Dunham may be a celebrity known to have as many faux pas as she does praiseworthy moments, but there’s no denying that when she gets it right, she really goes all the way in getting us cheering.
Which is exactly what her latest Instagram post has got us doing.
On Monday morning, the 30-year-old Girls actor took aim at the tabloid magazine industry and its time-honoured tradition of judging women on their physicality, sharing a magazine cover with Dunham on it alongside the headline “20 diet slim down tips stars are using,” with, you guessed it, a list of 20 things.
Watch: Lena Dunham shows us exactly what her body can do in one of our all-time favourite Girls scenes:
In true Dunham style, though, her list was a little different to what the magazine was offering up, swapping green smoothies and no carbs after 9 pm for things like, “anxiety disorder” and “sleeping 19 hours a day”.
The actor’s full list reads:
1. anxiety disorder *
2. resultant constant nausea
3. an election that reveals the true depths of American misogyny
4. constant sweaty dreams of dystopian future
5. abdominal adhesions pinning ovary below uterus *