
Lena Dunham releases ultra-stylish nail art that looks like vaginas.


We can now sport boobs, butts and vaginas on our nails.

I know, I know, finally.

Actress Lena Dunham recently released a nail art line with Buzzfeed Editor Chrissy Mahlmeister with each nail is guaranteed to feature a body part that women normally need to cover up.

Because it is ART, it’s a little difficult to tell where the naughty bits are, so if you’re having trouble, here are the bits, helpfully pointed out:

Source: Instagram/geometricsleep

Dunham released the line with business partner Laia Garcia through their company’s online store on Lenny.

So for the cheap cheap price of $12 (plus $16.50 for shipping, sorry Australia), you can now get your tiny vaginas delivered straight to your door.

See Lena Dunham talking to Hillary Clinton about feminism for Lenny (post continues after video):

Video via LENNY

Creator of the line and Buzzfeed Editor Mahlmeister tweeted about her excitement when the boob-nails were launched:


If nail art isn’t your thing though, Dunham and Garcia have you covered.

They’ve also released a FEMINISM and STAUNCH banner, as well as a ‘dismantle the patriarchy’ patch set.

In other words, your Christmas shopping is completely sorted.

Thanks, Dunham and Garcia.

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