
Leigh Sales shows the world why you should never piss her off.

Onya, Salesy.

Just when we thought we couldn’t love ABC’s 7.30 host, journalist, show tune-lover and all-round smart lady Leigh Sales any more, this happened.

Buzzfeed Australia politics reporters discovered they were seated in front of the veteran reporter, who had been relegated to the back row, in the media room for Bill Shorten’s evidence into the trade union corruption Royal Commission.

So the new kids on the block, clearly delighted at their seating luck, decided to send out a pointed tweet.


Sales, with her usual poise and sense of humour, commented it was the “modern media pecking order”. Then, she sought her revenge, delivering this zinger to the list-loving site.


She then backed it up with this pearler after learning she was trending on the social media site.

Ever the professional, after delivering the best series of revenge tweets ever, Sales got straight back to live-tweeting the Opposition Leader’s evidence.

Don’t mess with Sales. Lesson learned.

Can’t get enough of Sales? Try these articles:

Leigh Sales’ break up letter to her best friend, Annabel Crabb.

Annabel Crabb to Leigh Sales: “I’m not sure we can still be friends.”

Leigh Sales and Lisa Wilkinson respond to accusations they’re too ‘aggressive’.

Leigh Sales: “Juggling work and motherhood is exhausting.”

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