
"Why can't I sit in the park?" Leigh Sales' quizzes Scott Morrison over 'inconsistencies' in lockdown restrictions.


Leigh Sales has quizzed Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the “inconsistency” in Australia’s lockdown laws amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Morrison appeared on ABC’s 7.30 on Thursday night, where he faced questions from Sales on Australia’s progress fighting the coronavirus and when we can expect social distancing laws to be relaxed.

Sales asked Morrison if he accepted there had been “inconsistency in the restrictions that people find annoying”.

“Why can’t I sit in a park by myself and read a book, but I can go on a bus with other people?” she queried.

Scott Morrison has “no plans” to change Australia’s restrictions for four weeks. Post continues below video.

Video via 9News

Morrison said it had been tough to get the messaging consistent across all states, given how large this crisis has become and how quickly it has moved.

“Look, on a practical level on the ground and the way the states are implementing these issues, of course it’s difficult,” he said.

“We are in unprecedented, uncharted times. I think people have been very understanding of these issues. And I think everyone’s working to try and get these issues as consistent as they can. And that’s why when we get that co-operation, when we can get co-operation on this tracing app when it comes out, then I know a lot of these issues will move away because we’ve got the tools in place to be able to track these things down very quickly and respond.”


He said there would need to be “give and take” with the Australian public before we could enjoy “a less restrictive environment”.

Sales asked if authorities worried about ‘rebelling’ from younger Australians, who she stated were bearing the hardest burden of the economic shutdown but are not the ones who are at the most serious health risk.

“I don’t think they would consider the death of any Australian would be an unreasonable burden to carry for the sake of another one of their fellow Australians,” Morrison said.

He said the current restrictions were “a social contract”.

“I think there’s a social license here with governments about how these arrangements are put in place. And I can assure you no one wants these restrictions in any longer than they have to be.”

Sales asked whether keeping lockdown measures for over 60s and those with underlying health issues while returning the rest of society to “a sort of normal existence” would be possible, as floated by some business leaders and experts.

Morrison said he was solely focused on health advice from the experts.


“We want your viewers to know that on the other side, we get out of this and we return to a life that we are missing at the moment.

“We will get it again, but we’re going to have to work hard for it in these months ahead and on the other side we’re going to need policies that ensure our economy can grow quickly again and we can get back to those living standards that we’re currently missing.”

Earlier on Thursday afternoon, the Prime Minister noted that while plans are being made to ease restrictions, the current social distancing measures will stay in place for at least the next four weeks.

He outlined the three things Australia needs to get in place to move towards the easing of restrictions: a more extensive testing regime, an even greater tracing capability, and increased localised lockdown ability.

For more on COVID-19:

To protect yourself and the community from COVID-19, remain in your home unless strictly necessary, keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people, regularly wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

If you are sick and believe you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your GP ahead of time to book an appointment. Or call the national Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice on 1800 020 080. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 000. 

To keep up to date with the latest information, please visit the Department of Health website.

Feature images: ABC.

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