reality tv

Lee Carseldine left Survivor after his mum had a stroke. He didn't make it home in time.


Australian Survivor: All Stars contestant Lee Carseldine exited the show in tragic circumstances in Monday’s night episode after learning his mother had suffered a massive stroke.

Sadly, she died before he arrived home.

After completing a reward challenge, former cricketer Lee, 44, was called away by a producer to take an emergency phone call from home.

Lee exits Survivor. Post continues below video.

Video via Channel 10

Lee was told that his mother, Beth, had a stroke and was in a critical condition.

Cameras kept their distance as Lee heard the news. He lingered outside the camp visibly distressed, when Tarzan went to find him.

“What’s going on, mate? What’s the matter?” Tarzan asked, leading Lee to collapse into his arms.

“My mum had a massive stroke. And I don’t think she’s going to make it,” Lee told Tarzan.

“I’ve got to go home… It’s real bad, it’s bad,” he cried.

lee carseldine survivor
Image: Channel 10.

Tarzan reflected on how it was every contestant's biggest fear realised: "We don't know what's going on with our families. We have no idea. The last thing you want is that kind of a phone call," he said.

Lee needed to leave urgently, but still returned to camp to share the news with the rest of the tribe.

"I've got to go home and be with the family... I just want you all to know - it’s been a privilege to hang out with you guys for the last 33 days," he said.

lee carseldine survivor
Image: Channel 10.

Tarzan said he imagined his friend "would be feeling like his heart's being ripped out".

"He's going to have to be a champion for his family when he gets home... Lee just wanted to make his mum proud, and I'm sure he's done that."'

Lee told he found out about the stroke late in the day, meaning he was not able to fly out of Fiji until the following day. After arriving at a hotel for the night, Lee learned his mum had died.

He said the 24 hours between that initial phone call at camp and arriving back home in Australia was "one of the loneliest times I've ever experienced".


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These images will stay with me for the rest of my life. A time of absolute despair and devastation after hearing about the sudden passing of my Mother from a major stroke whilst 33 days into playing @survivorau . The reason I was on the show was to hopefully win the title and the prize money as they had come under difficult financial strain due to both suffering seriously health issues. This was my way to hopefully support them. To the 9 KaloKalo tribe mates in this picture that showed me the most rawest compassion...thankyou. ???????? To the rest of the @survivorau players..thankyou for being part of such a privileged and an amazing journey. ???????? To the crew, camos, audio techs, challenge team, producers and everyone who worked tirelessly around the clock to make this show what it is...thankyou ????????. To my amazing followers who I love dearly...thankyou ????????. I hope I have provided you with lots of fun, laughter and entertainment through playing the game in a way that I only know how. Although I haven’t been able to reply to everyone’s messages, I definitely read them and every message means the world to me. ???????? And finally to @whitbyswhippys and EP Amelia (Mills), I want to thankyou from the bottom of my heart by showing the respect of making an episode under extremely difficult conditions by honoured my Mother in the best way possible. ???????? Although my grieving process is in full swing the show must go on and Mum and I will enjoy watching the remaining few weeks of this special show that has given me so much. As the great @jonathanlapaglia says...”Survivors ready?”. ????????❤️????????. . . #survivor #surviorallstars #allstars #survivorau #survivoraustralia #survivor2020 #loveyoumum

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After the episode aired on Monday, Lee shared a post on Instagram reflecting on his loss as a time of "absolute despair and devastation".

"The reason I was on the show was to hopefully win the title and the prize money as [both his parents] had come under difficult financial strain due to both suffering seriously health issues," he explained.

Earlier in 2019, his mum was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, although her stroke was unrelated.

"This was my way to hopefully support them," Lee said.


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He thanked his Kalo Kalo tribe mates for showing him "the most rawest compassion", the rest of the Survivor players, the show's behind-the-scenes crew and viewers.

"I hope I have provided you with lots of fun, laughter and entertainment through playing the game in a way that I only know how.

"Although I haven’t been able to reply to everyone’s messages, I definitely read them and every message means the world to me.

"And finally to [publicist] Kate Whitby and EP Amelia (Mills), I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart by showing the respect of making an episode under extremely difficult conditions by honouring my mother in the best way possible.

"Although my grieving process is in full swing the show must go on and Mum and I will enjoy watching the remaining few weeks of this special show that has given me so much."

In September, Lee shared the news of Beth's death on social media, describing her as the most amazing person in his life.

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