
What can straight women learn from lesbians? A whole lot.

Lesbians must be feeling rather smug given the plethora of pro-lesbian news that’s emerged lately.

First we heard Marilyn Monroe had a secret two year lesbian relationship, on top of the flings she’s said to have admitted to with the likes of Joan Crawford and Marlene Dietrich.

This was swiftly followed by ridiculously cute pictures of a lesbian couple in their nineties who’ve just got hitched after 72 years together.

Marilyn Monroe experienced many love affairs with women and men


Then the release of a controversial book ‘Lesbian For A Year’ about a straight Australian woman who fell in love with a woman and wants us all to stop labeling ourselves and realise that sexuality is fluid and changeable.

Finally, the results of a recent Kinsey study that posed the question of who’s having the best sex and the most sex - and came up with ‘lesbians’ as the answer.

Actually men are also having pretty good sex (regardless of their sexual orientation), according to the report, with both men and lesbians having an easier time reaching orgasm.

It’s us poor old straight women who miss out.

Related Content: "Where are all the lesbians?"

The sizeable study (2850 men and women) asked participants to estimate how often they reached orgasm with a partner.

The score for men was 85.1 percent of the time, compared to a measly 62.9 for women.

Broken down to gay vs straight, the men’s score barely shifted: it altered by less than one percent.

It was a different story for women. Straight women said they had orgasms with their partner 61.6 percent of the time; that leapt to 74.7 percent for lesbians.


Researchers conclude the reason is because straight couples tend to focus on intercourse - an unreliable route to orgasm because there’s no clitoral stimulation. Not exactly a Eureka moment for most of us, who figured that one out pretty damn early in our sexual lives.


Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi


But it does beg the question: What else can straight women learn about sex from gay women?

How do we have what they’re having?

Don’t make intercourse the main event. Because there isn’t a penis (or a male ego) and the clitoris is outside, penetrative sex isn’t the be all and end all for lesbians.

Don’t be rushed. Women know women take longer to orgasm than men do, so are more patient and less likely to put the pressure on their partner to get a move on.

Don’t be lazy. Lesbians tend not to split into ‘giver’ and ‘taker’ roles in bed. Both take turns. Lazy lovers aren’t a huge hit with gays or heterosexuals.

Stop thinking of sex as having a beginning, middle and end. Because women can have many orgasms in the one sex session, there’s no definite ending. It can take as long as you like, with as many orgasms as you like.

Have more foreplay. A recent survey discounted the myth that men don’t like foreplay but there’s more kissing, breast play and fondling generally with lesbians. Again, we sort of knew this one but doesn’t hurt to be reminded!

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