
The only child internet safe tablet for kids.







Children these days are super smart and I can’t help but think that they are way more tech savvy than we were at their age. That’s probably because the term “tech savvy” was yet to be invented in 1982 but it’s also more than likely because we didn’t have access to a tablet computer with an ‘i’ prefacing it. It’s no big deal now to see a 2 year old confidently swipe the lock screen, input a password and start playing a game that involves both flying fruit and machetes. And this is a little troubling. For a few reasons.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by LeapPad Ultra. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

Firstly, a regular tablet computer isn’t all that hardy and I don’t know if you’ve been involved with a 6 year old lately, but let me tell you, being gentle isn’t high on their agenda. The other, more troubling aspect is that essentially, it’s an adult’s computer. With full access to the internet. Let me just let that sink in. We all like to think we are watching our children 100% of the time but this simply isn’t true.

That’s where the LeapPad Ultra comes in. I remember the now almost rudimentary LeapPad system my now 14 year old had when she was little. It had a “magic” pen that was dragged across the words to read out loud to her and that she’d read along to. She was particularly enamoured with Scooby Doo at the time and I can safely say that I can attribute her ease of learning and love of reading, to this system.

Bern with her daughter.

Now of course, that old system has been superseded and been brought very much up to date and into 2013, yet LeapPad’s core values have remained the same – to make learning fun.

The LeapPad Ultra tablet for kids has a camera and just like Mum’s, it can take both photos and videos. No more asking for your phone to take a selfie (no matter how cute that may be). The LeapPad Ultra has, get this, both front and back inbuilt cameras. Add to this the art studio and peer to peer gaming ability and I can tell you, this truly is a thing of genius. The best bit? My son was learning and he didn’t even realise. Most importantly, it’s kid-tough, built to be dropped on the floor accidentally or *ahem* built to be thrown to the ground in a temper tantrum. Built from the inside out JUST for kids, it has child friendly controls and, an ultra-tough frame with a screen designed for a child’s sometimes light fingered touch.


And it is internet safe. LeapPad Ultra is the only tablet for kids with LeapSearch; a secure browser that lets kids explore the content they love, securely. Everything on LeapSearch has been handpicked by their team of learning experts, with parental settings for easy fine-tuning.

Not just that, it provides access to over 400 apps, videos, music and ebooks that all automatically adjust to your child’s level as they progress. This helps them to stay challenged and inspired to learn.

The best part though, your child will truly believe they have their own tablet computer, just like Mum and Dad because it genuinely looks and works like a tablet device. Plus, the best part is that you’ll be helping your child to develop their skills in a fun and exciting way.

Take a look at the LeapPad Ultra, the best tablet for kids, today.

The new LeapPad Ultra from LeapFrog is the ultimate kids’ learning tablet. It’s got the graphics, the camera, and the looks – and it’s kid-tough! LeapPad Ultra is the only children’s tablet with an integrated, kid-safe, Wi-Fi and web browser; LeapSearch powered by Zui, letting children explore the content they love. Enjoy instant access to 400+ fun apps, games, videos, eBooks, music, and more! Write. Draw. Snap photos. Make videos. And enjoy new peer-to-peer play that’s safe out of the box.

With so many ways to create and explore, LeapPad Ultra inspires a love of learning!

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