
Some fans are outraged by the term used to describe Caitlyn Jenner.

The son of Caitlyn Jenner, Brandon, 34, and his wife Leah, 32, have some beautiful news to share. They have welcomed a baby girl, named Eva James Jenner.

Yet at a time when we should be celebrating the joy of new life, the new addition to the Jenner family has instead caused a fierce debate.

Leah Jenner. (Image via Instagram)

Sharing the news of their Facebook page, New Idea Magazine wrote, "CAITLYN JENNER has become a GRANDMOTHER for the first time!" To which followers of the page were quick to protest, suggesting that Caitlyn, 65, should not be given the title of 'grandmother'.

Caitlyn Jenner. (Image via Getty)

Some of the comments included:

"He is a grandfather, not a grandmother. It is still a man with a penis."

"He is NOT a grandmother He has never gave birth!!!!"

"How can a person be a grandmother and a dad at the same time? This is not someone kids or youth should be looking up to, this is someone who's very confused! I feel sorry for Bruce/Caitlyn."

"Congrats to the couple on the new baby. Sorry its still grandpa."

"Bruce will always be just a man in a dress. Never will he be a woman. Grandfather never grandmother."

Despite the overwhelming support Caitlin initially received when she decided to transition to a woman, it's disheartening to see transphobic comments like these.

Yet some did wish Caitlin well during an undoubtedly exciting time. "Caitlyn Jenner you are BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy life is short," one follower wrote. "Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter," expressed another.

Leah took to Instagram to share the news of her birth, writing, "On Wednesday, July 22nd I became a Mom. It has without a doubt been the most profoundly beautiful time in my life but also emotionally, spiritually and physically challenging too....and I am so grateful for every second of it. Brandon and I are taking care of our healthy, little baby girl, Eva James Jenner.

Brandon and Leah Jenner. (Image via Instagram)

This is the first child for Brandon and Leah.

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery for more pictures of Brandon and Leah...

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