
The Bachelor's Leah says Tommy Little stood her up. He has a different version of events.

When it comes to chatting up people via social media, misunderstandings can be easy to make, it seems.

And we’re guessing that’s what’s happened to radio host Tommy Little and former Bachelor contestant Leah Costa, from listening to the comedian’s version of events.

While chatting with his co-host Carrie Bickmore on air Thursday afternoon, Little brought up that he had an “issue” with the booted bachelorette and asked to detail what happened between the pair.

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Little said that before he knew she was a Bachelor-contender Costa began messaging Little “out of the blue” on Facebook a few months ago.

“I didn’t know who she was, but she’s obviously pretty cute and um we just started messaging back and forward,” he said.

“Hold on, so she was messaging you back and forth trying to go on a date?” Bickmore clarified, to which Tommy replied that yes, she suggested they catch up for a drink.

“I’d never met her… and then I found out she was on the Bachelor,” he said.

Little, who insisted that the date never happened and implied no plans were made, said he was surprised to later be confronted by people insisting that he had.

“And then I saw her out at a comedy gig and the guys working at the bar were like, ‘aw man, how’s your form? You’ve stood Leah up twice,” he regaled.

“And I’m like, ‘I’ve never met her,’ and she’s been telling people that I’ve stood her up twice.”

Little concluded by laughing it off and insisting he’s “over it”.

Mamamia has reached out to Leah for comment, and got a very curious response of: ” hahahahahaha.”

Make of that what you will, friends.

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