Dear Mummies to be, although I don’t know you personally, I feel ya! I am just past halfway in my pregnancy and although I have always loved children, worked with children and can’t wait for my own, this whole pregnancy is a real journey. One that I have no idea about and am literally figuring out day by day. When there are weird feelings, random vomits and sudden exhaustion, I just go with the flow.
I’ve been really positive through everything this far, including the first three months of non-stop nausea. But today really tested me and I questioned a whole bunch of things, none of which I had the answers to as I’ve never been through this before… Have I put on too much weight? Am I exhausted from growing a baby or just being lazy? Am I acting like I’m the only woman to ever get pregnant, or should I rightly feel like pregnancy is organically changing my life? I’m not at that stage yet where I see those sought out pregnancy glows, instead… I’m seeing a lot of pregnancy woes.