
Lauren Brant: "Today, pregnancy really tested me and I questioned a lot of things."

Dear Mummies to be, although I don’t know you personally, I feel ya! I am just past halfway in my pregnancy and although I have always loved children, worked with children and can’t wait for my own, this whole pregnancy is a real journey. One that I have no idea about and am literally figuring out day by day. When there are weird feelings, random vomits and sudden exhaustion, I just go with the flow.

I’ve been really positive through everything this far, including the first three months of non-stop nausea. But today really tested me and I questioned a whole bunch of things, none of which I had the answers to as I’ve never been through this before… Have I put on too much weight? Am I exhausted from growing a baby or just being lazy? Am I acting like I’m the only woman to ever get pregnant, or should I rightly feel like pregnancy is organically changing my life? I’m not at that stage yet where I see those sought out pregnancy glows, instead… I’m seeing a lot of pregnancy woes.


I see some ‘super mums’ who don’t ever stop, right up until they have their baby and others who stay in bed for nine months. Some have huge bumps, some have tiny. Some carry water retention, others are so slim! I have definitely learnt that every woman’s pregnancy is different and their pregnancy of each child can be different. But I still question what’s right and wrong about mine?

There are so many different symptoms to pregnancy, that if I didn’t know I was pregnant, I would think something was seriously wrong. However, I don’t want to fall into the trap of using my pregnancy as an excuse for anything. I.e., I didn’t clean the house today because I had no energy from being pregnant. NO! I didn’t clean the house today because I hate cleaning the house!

It’s not all of a sudden okay to stop doing all of our chores because we have nine months before life changes forever, but on the other hand, we do have to look after ourselves and find that balance where we are resting enough and showing self-love through this incredible journey our body and mind are having.

A photo posted by Lauren Brant (@laurenbrant) on


I know why I feel the way I do and I know that it is all for the very best reason, I’m going to have a little baby of my own, a little baby that I am creating inside my amazing body right now.

But we women, although incredibly amazing, are just human and there will be some days where the dishes will stack up and other days where we conquer the world.

So what I have realised, is that going with the flow and learning a little more each day really is the only way to go with pregnancy.


I’d love to hear from some other women who have been or are pregnant, who also have a desire to discuss boobs, butts and bellies. I always find a conversation, whether it be about something in common or learning something completely new of someone, helps with the journey.

Lauren Brant and partner Barry Hall publicly announced they were expecting a baby in December last year. Brant will be documenting her pregnancy journey with Mamamia. 

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