
We know they're not Lara Bingle's legs. But easily-influenced teenage girls don't...



“God, she’s perfect.” 

“Thanks for the Monday motivation amazing woman.” 

“Workout motivation.” 

“Inspired! I did double sessions today. And just smashed chicken and salad for dinner.” 

“Oh she’s just gloriously stunning.” 

These are just some of the comments left on one of the most recent photos Australian model Lara Bingle posted to her Instagram account, @MsLBingle.

Here’s the pic:

Have a look at the photo again. Notice how the grooves from the wall – evident on either side of the 27-year-old – don’t exist in the area between her legs?


The most likely explanation is a cheeky bit of digital alteration. Similar to what occurred in this photo that was uploaded to Beyonce’s social media channels last year.

(Notice the wonky shapes of the wine glass and the iPhone on the table)


Or this from Kim Kardashian. (The hint is the shape of door frame on the left).

Or this memorable example from Miranda Kerr. (The pic Miranda posted to Instagram is on the left. The original photo is on the right).



We once embraced Instagram for keeping it real, we celebrated it as the antidote to the unrealistic images of women that we’d grown so used to seeing on the covers of magazines. Finally, we said, there’s a platform that will allow to see pictures of women who aren’t altered by the effects of lighting and computers.

But these altered shots from celebrities like Lara, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are an important reminder that Instagram is not what it appears – and that’s whether we’re talking about both the representation of someone’s life or the representation of their legs.

Because here’s the thing. No amount of chicken and salad with get someone a thigh gap like the one in Lara Bingle’s photo. Neither will chia seeds get them Miranda’s torso and double training sessions will not gift any person Kim Kardashian’s ass.

Because the kind of thigh gap/box gap/whatever-you-want-to-call-it that’s evident in Lara’s photo does not actually exist. And when women are working hard and skipping meals in an attempt to look like the celebrities in these images, that’s a deeply concerning thing.

So next time you’re see a pic that makes you want to skip the burger and hit the gym, put down that glass of kale-infused water and remember this:


Want to see some more celebrities who aren’t keeping it real on the graml? Check out our gallery.

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