
Lady Gaga says that she was raped by a music producer.

UPDATE: Mark Geragos, who is the lawyer representing popstar Kesha in her sexual assault claims against producer Lukasz “Dr Luke” Gottwald, has declared on Twitter that Dr Luke is also the producer who raped Lady Gaga (see story below). He encouraged his followers to ‘name the pervert’ in Gaga’s case, and when someone put forward Dr Luke’s name, he said ‘#bingo’.

However, Gaga and Dr Luke’s reps have both denied the allegations, with Gaga’s rep labelling Geragos’ claims as “absolutely not true”. We wish Kesha all the success with her lawsuit.


As Mamamia reported yesterday:

Lady Gaga has revealed in an interview that she was raped by a music producer when she was 19 years old.

On The Howard Stern Show, 28-year-old Gaga admitted to the host that a music producer – who was 20 years older than her – attacked her when she was first starting out in the music industry.

When asked by the radio host to elaborate, Gaga first responded with “‘I don’t…I don’t want to… Happy times! Let’s talk about happy things!”.

A dressed-down Gaga in a photo from her Instagram.


But she went on to say: “I went through some horrific things that I’m able to laugh at now, because I’ve gone through a lot of mental and physical therapy and emotional therapy to heal over the years.”


“I was about 19. I went to Catholic school and then all this crazy stuff happened, and I was going, ‘Oh, is this just the way adults are?’… I was very naive.”‘

Lady Gaga admitted that it had changed her, and she had  become “A shell of my former self at one point. I was not myself.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t tell anybody. And I didn’t even tell myself for the longest time. And then I was like, ‘You know what? All this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it just won’t go away. It will not go away.'”

Lady Gaga in New York.  Source: Instagram

Howard Stern asked if she had ever confronted her rapist. “I think it would terrify me. It would paralyse me. I saw him one time in a store and I was so paralysed by fear. Because it wasn’t until I was a little bit older that I went, ‘Wow, that was really messed up.'”

Gaga says that things are better for her now. She is dating actor Taylor Kinney, has gotten the help she needed, and uses her music as a form of therapy. “My music’s been wonderful for me.”

We’re sending Gaga our love and support.

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