This news is so hilarious, we’re going to go right ahead and tell you. No mucking around.
Kyle Sandilands is in a musical. That musical is Snow White.
And the illustrious role Master Sandilands is playing?
“The Disgruntled Mirror”.
Please see the below photo to confirm Kyle’s suitability for the role:
So, yeah. Kyle Sandliands‘ musical debut – and he’s playing the Queen’s Mirror, when that mirror is disgruntled. When that mirror is happy or positive, Sir Cliff Richard steps into the role. But disgruntled? That’s Kyle’s time to shine.
The Queen (AKA Snow White’s Attempted Murderer) is played by Magda Szubanksi. You get bonus Celebrity Trivia points if you know why that might be incredibly awkward.
Back in 2009, Kyle Sandilands was suspended by his then-employee 2DayFM for suggesting that Magda would lose weight successfully if she joined a concentration camp. In that man’s extensive catalogue of horrendous comments, that rated pretty high.
Luckily for Magda, Kyle’s “disgruntled mirror” role is pre-recorded, so they won’t have to physically share a stage.
Look. When the State Theatre starts selling “Kyle Sandilands Disgruntled Mirrors” outside each performance, we’ll take 50.
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