Riddle me this. Why do two reality TV stars have more influence than all the scientists of the world combined when it comes to the benefits of vaccination?
Because morons have bigger megaphones, that’s why.
Jenny McCarthy, 41, panellist on The View, has been campaigning against vaccination; therefore SCIENCE, for years now.
She’s been telling her TV audience of millions that vaccinations gave her son autism. She does so despite the fact that: a) The link between autism and vaccination has been categorically disproved by scientists; b) Her son’s original autism diagnosis has been questioned; and c) Jenny is not a doctor, scientist, or medical expert of any kind.
Jenny wilfully and biliously spreads lies with the same speed a deadly illness might infect – oh, I don’t know – an entire city, and beyond. Sadly, however, she is not alone. She joins a growing and increasingly vocal movement of people in the developed world who reject the science of vaccines and the validity of these medicines.
And in the same week as there was an outbreak of measles in New York City (a disease that was eradicated in the Big Apple more than 15 years ago thanks to VACCINES), Jenny has got herself an equally vacuous, celebrity side-kick.