
Host Sonia Kruger sets the record straight on the awkward Kourtney Kardashian interview.

Kourtney Kardashian’s sudden disappearance during a live interview has finally been explained.

The loss of vision on The Today Show came after co-host David Campbell asked the star how sister Kim was coping after the Paris robbery.

“Obviously your family has been in the news recently after that very traumatic incident…we were wondering, how is everyone going and how is Kim doing?” he asked.

Kourtney responded with an awkward off-screen glance before the video was cut entirely.

David Campbell and Sonia Kruger. (Source: Nine Network.)

The Today Show co-host Sonia Kruger hesitated before commenting the question may have hit a nerve.

"It looks like Kourtney doesn't really want to go there with that question..."  she said.

Campbell then snapped saying, "I think she's blanking me!"

"She could just say her sister is fine. We just said we're very concerned and we were on side and that we hoped that everyone's fine."


When the reality television star re-appeared, she assured the co-hosts the connection had just suddenly dropped.

"Sorry, everyone was just talking to me and it got a little crazy then the connection went out," she said.

Sonia Kruger. (Source; Getty Images.)

Kruger has now revealed to KIIS FM’s Hughesy and Kate what really happened after the vision cut.

“One of her people barged in when that question was asked,” Kruger said.

“I think someone in our Channel Nine bureau [in Los Angeles] actually tried to stop this person from barging into the room because it was a live interview."

“But this woman made it past and poor old Kourtney, she wasn’t happy.”

Kruger went on to explain how she and Campbell hadn't been warned about asking certain questions.

“When that interview was set up, no question was off limits,” she said.

“It wasn’t like they came to us and said, ‘whatever you do, do not ask a question about Kim and how Kim’s doing after the Paris ordeal.'"

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian. (Source: Twitter.)

The co-host shared how she heard Kourtney making a very agitated phone call after the video connection was lost.

“She was on the phone saying, ‘These people just barged in and stopped this live interview. This is going to go everywhere. I need to go back and answer the question,'" she said.

“So she stayed there and she came back to us [after the commercial break] which was really great of her to do that."

Kruger ended on the belief the incident might have lasting repercussions for one member of the studio that day.

“But I get the feeling that someone’s going to be fired as a result because there was a little bit of argy-bargy in the studio," she said.

It seems there should have been a little bit of a chat between the publicists before Kourtney was put on air.

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