This is a video of a kindergarten Christmas concert. Surely one of hundreds of thousands of Christmas concert videos posted on Youtube.
But, unlike all of those other home movies, this video has had 5.5 million views in just seven days.
And it’s all because of one special girl, at one very special KODA Christmas concert.
The little blonde girl in the middle is a KODA; a Kid of Deaf Adults. KODAs (or CODAs – Children of Deaf Adults – which tends to be the term used for over 18s) are children with one or two deaf parents.
Ninety per cent of these children can hear normally. These kids are often raised as bilingual: able to sign and use spoken languages through the help of hearing parents, family members, neighbours etc.
But, when this little girl’s parents came to watch her KODA Christmas concert, she wanted to make sure that they understood what was going on. So, in between the class’s carefully choreographed song and dance, she did something special.
Take a look:
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