
"Don't judge me, but... I think kissing babies on the lips is inappropriate."

I’m one of those people who thinks kissing babies and kids on the lips is weird. And gross. And just… why?

I’m not just talking about the slobber factor. At least we can all agree that kids aren’t yet equipped to minimise their saliva during a kiss.

I just find it inappropriate for adults to kiss babies and children on the lips. Yes, even mums and dads kissing their own children freak me out.

Read more: When do you stop kissing your children on the lips?

This week an American doctor,Charlotte Reznick, told The Sun that a “kiss on the lips can be stimulating. If mummy kisses daddy on the mouth and vice versa, what does that mean, when I, a little girl or boy, kiss my parents on the mouth?”. Needless to say Reznick is not many parent’s favourite person at the moment. Many are slamming her for saying kissing a child is a sexual experience and asking what’s wrong with her for thinking that.

Now, I don’t see kissing a child on the lips as a sexual experience (and I don’t judge parents who choose to kiss their kids on the lips). It just doesn’t sit quite right with me, personally.

"Protect those lips kid." Image via iStock.

My sister and brother-in-law are kid-kissers. Which makes my nieces goodbye-kiss-on-the-lips kids with family members. To avoid the kiss (without hurting anyone's feelings), I often jump in and say, "Can I have a goodbye HUG?"

To which they usually peel themselves off watching Frozen, colouring-in Frozen picturesor playing with their Frozen dolls and give me a hug.

"Um, excuse me, doesn't Aunty Avi get a kiss goodbye?" says my sister or brother-in-law.

Thankfully, my nieces have already turned their attention back to Elsa or Anna and I wave off any comments that they are rude children (while breathing a sigh of relief).

Read more: Is Jessica Simpson’s daughter too young for kissing on the lips?

Now, I know what you are going to say.

"When you have kids, you'll think differently."

Well... I will let you know in a couple of months. But... I don't see me changing my mind on this one.

"Clearly, a onesie I need to buy." Image via iStock.

I only kiss people on the lips who I have the intention of sleeping with later. As a child, I never kissed adults. I find it weird when strangers kiss me on the cheek as part of their "Nice to meet you". Hugs are only reserved for people I really care about - far too intimate for randoms. As you can see, I have drawn very clear lines in my physical contact sand.

There was a pretty even divide in the office between kid-kissers and non-kid-kissers.


Most of the non-mums were in the non-kid-kisser band. Many are made to kiss their nieces or nephews and, like me, despise it. Some are still expected to kiss their older relatives on the lips and hate it. But, you know, still had to do it because they didn't want to be accusing their relatives of being creepy (because they weren't).

"Don't even think about it. Relatives, I'm looking at you." Image via iStock.

The mums, however, were mostly in the kid-kisser band. Some instigated the kissing with their kids.

"I kiss my toddler on the lips, we've always done it...when I say 'kiss for mum?' he leans in all open mouthed, it's slobbery and hilarious," said one.


"I love kissing my almost-two-year-old daughter on the lips! She has the cutest little lips, and it's another way for me to express my love for her. It just feels natural and normal," echoed another.

Some mums kissed their kids on the lips, but it wasn't because they chose to. Their kids demanded it.

"My kids hate it when I don't kiss them on the lips. They grab me and smooch me."

"I've always tended to kiss my kids on the forehead or the top of the head, but they like to kiss me on the lips, so I go with that now."

So, if they didn't start the lip-kissing where did their kids pick the idea up from?

"Maybe they saw me kiss my husband?" one responded.

"Maybe she is copying kissing she has seen on TV?" another said.

When I give birth in a couple of months, I assume I will be consumed with love for my daughter and think she's the cutest thing ever. I am sure I will want to kiss her to show her just how much I love her.

But I don't see myself kissing her on the lips. Forehead, cheek, toes, hands... yes. Lips.. no.

Even after talking to mums about why they do... I still find it really inappropriate.

Am I alone on this? What do you think about kissing babies and kids on the lips?

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