
Friday's news in 5 minutes.

1. Pregnant Sydney socialite prepares to give birth to her first child behind bars.

Former bikini model and socialite Kirsty Dayment is preparing to give birth in custody for selling cocaine and ecstasy with her former boyfriend, reports.

Dayment, 35, pleaded guilty to supplying 85.36g of cocaine and a large commercial quantity of MDMA. She was arrested with her then-partner, Nicholas Riganias, at their luxury Coogee apartment in July 2015.


When Dayment appeared at the Downing Centre District Court last week, her barrister revealed she was three months pregnant, and suggested she be eligible for an intensive corrections order where she could serve her time in the community.

“She will give birth in custody,” Judge Sarah Huggett replied, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

The Sydney socialite will now undergo a corrections assessment to assess her suitability for a place in NSW Prison’s program for pregnant inmates.

Corrective Services NSW told that at the onset of her labour, Dayment will be taken to the nearest hospital to give birth in a maternity wing.

During her time behind bars, Dayment will not be restrained with handcuffs or restrictive devices.

It is unclear when the baby would be taken from Dayment’s care, although CSNSW said she would be encouraged to “bond with [her] baby, and breastfeed or express breast milk where appropriate”.

Dayment is due to be sentenced on April 2.

2. Melbourne mum donates her kidney to save two-year-old son. Dad vows to do the same.


A Melbourne mum didn’t think twice about donating a kidney when doctors told her her son would need to have both of his removed after being diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, 7 News reports.

“Why wouldn’t you want to save your kid’s life if you could?” mum Alice Woods-Barnard said.

“It’s such a precious gift having a child, let alone being able to give them a second chance at life as well.”

Two-year-old Levi had both his kidneys removed and was kept alive on daily dialysis before he was ready to receive his mum’s kidney donation.

Doctors revealed that if Levi had not undergone the transplant, he would have died.


The kidney from Levi’s mum will last around 12 years. Then, he will need another transplant, which his father has already volunteered to give.

“He will need another kidney and when the time comes for that, if they’ll take mine, then he’s got it. It’s his,” Reece said.

3. Students at 19 NSW schools are ‘at risk of radicalisation’, says state government report.

The NSW government’s in-school counter-extremism program has identified a list of 19 schools that put children “at risk” of radicalisation, The Daily Telegraph reports.


The list was released as parents and students from Punchbowl Boys High School say they felt “pressured” into attending daily prayer meetings.

One parent – who did not want to be named – said their son was made fun of for not conforming to the Sunni denomination, which makes up the majority of the school community.

“The kids come up to my son and ask him ‘Come and pray, come and pray’. But we do different things to other families and the school. Why does prayer have to be in school time?” the boy’s mother said.

“Why are they letting kids go on like this about religion?

“I would have sent him to a private school if I wanted him to pray at school, I would have sent him to a private religious school.”

4. Murdered Victorian mum’s family ‘devastated’ over accused killer’s plea.


The family of murdered Victorian mum Karen Chetcuti say they are ‘devastated’ at her accused killer’s not-guilty plea.

Ms Chetcuti’s sister said she wished 49-year-old Michael Cardamone had plead guilty to burning Chetcuti alive, injecting her with battery acid and driving over her body “for the save of my elderly mother”.

“It’s the most horrible death I’ve ever heard of in my life,” she said tearfully, AAP reports.

“How can someone do all those things to somebody?”

Magistrate John Murphy spoke to the loved ones of the Whorouly mother of two who had packed the courtroom during a two-day committal hearing at Wangaratta Magistrates Court.

“I’d like I offer my deepest sympathies to the family, friends, colleagues and loved ones of Karen, and may the spirit guide you,” he said.


Police allege that on or about January 12, 2016, Cardamone killed Ms Chetcuti, 49, after sedating her with animal tranquilliser.

They allege he tied her wrists and ankles with cable ties, duct tape and rope, fractured her skull and ribs, then set her on fire while she was alive. It is also alleged Cardamone injected her with battery acid and drove over her dead body.

Her battered and burnt body was discovered on January 17.

Defence barrister Patrick Tehan QC seemingly attempted to shift the blame for the January 2016 murder to Cardamone’s associate Eddie George, who police allege helped burn Ms Chetcuti’s car after the killing.

During the committal hearing, Detective Senior Constable Jason Wallace admitted that several items found at the scene of the murder, in bushland near Lake Buffalo, did not contain Cardamone’s DNA.

When asked if there was any circumstantial evidence excluding George from the murder, Det Sen Const Wallace said phone records and CCTV footage showed George in Myrtleford at the time of the offence.


Cardamone will appear in the Supreme Court of Victoria next week.

5. Frustrated commuters stranded for three hours after Sydney ferry breaks down on harbour.


Sydney commuters spent three hours stranded at sea when the Manly ferry they were travelling on broke down, 9 News reports.

The MV Queenscliff was approaching Manly wharf after its journey from Circular Quay around 6:30pm yesterday, when it broke down with 220 passengers on board.

Despite the ferry being just 200 metres from its intended destination, the passengers weren’t able to disembark until 8:40pm when a water taxi brought a spare part to the ship.

“They had to anchor us otherwise we were going to run into other boats,” a passenger, Patrick Clarke, told 9 News.


“They tried really hard. They offered everyone coffee and everything. At the end of the day they just said it’s all about the safety of passengers.”

An investigation into what caused the ferry’s mechanical issue has been launched.

6. Teachers told to ‘dob in’ obese kids to child protection.

A new Education Department edict that classifies obesity as a “child welfare” issue encourages teachers to ‘dob in’ overweight children to child protection services, The Daily Telegraph reports.

All public school staff are being given mandatory training “focused on obesity as a child protection issue”, the department revealed.

An Education Department spokesman said staff were required to raise concerns with the Family and Community Services (FACS) Child Protection Helpline regarding children “who may be at risk of significant harm”.

“With regard to obesity, this would only be in very extreme circumstances,” he said.

Australian Medical Association president Michael Gannon said childhood obesity is an issue that “belongs in the kitchens around Sydney”.

“We need to tread very, very carefully so we are not interfering too far in the right of parents to decide what’s right for their children,” he said.

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