
Six things we learned from Kim Kardashian’s assistant that we don’t see on TV.

When Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint in Paris by a group of armed men last year, Stephanie Shepherd was one of the first people by her side, escorting to her a private plane and flying her home to safety.

It’s not the first time Shepherd has been the Kardashian’s number one confidant and trusted associate. She has, since 2013, been responsible for things like getting Kim down the aisle at her wedding to filming footage for their reality show.

You name it, Shepherd’s done it.

In an interview with Refinery29, one of the Kardashian’s most high-profile assistants – complete with nearly 700,000 Instagram followers and her own assistant to boot – has detailed the inner workings of the Kardashian Konglomerate and doesn’t hesitate to admit that yes, her job is probably as glamorous as it looks. And the Paris incident? That too was just as terrifying as we may have already considered.

“It was terrifying. At the time, I had to hold it together and make sure everything was getting handled, and that we could get Kim home as quickly and safely as possible. Obviously I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s gone through, what she’s had to deal with, but even I have been more cautious. We have alarms and security plans, and all that. Still, whenever I’ve had to stay home alone, I get a little scared. So I did get a couple of extra pepper sprays.”

Shepherd says her and Kim are so close, they text from the “the second [they] wake up until [they] go to bed”. In fact, she doesn’t think it’s “possible for any person to talk to anyone more than [she] talk[s] to Kim”.


Here are six things we learnt about Kardashian West’s assistant we don’t see on TV:

Kim meets perspective employees with no make-up on and wearing sweatpants.

Shepherd says her first meeting with her future employee was a particularly no-fuss one.

“She had no makeup on and was in her sweats, super pregnant with North. She was just like, ‘Look, I need help, Robin loves you and says great things about you; this is what I need. Can you do it?’ And I was like, ‘Okay, sure, I can do that — and if I can’t, I’ll figure it out!’

They only hire people they trust through a personal connection.

For obvious reasons, and perhaps even more blatant ones after the Paris robbery, the family are very, very picky as to who is hired to work with the most famous women in the world.

“I’m very protective of not just Kim, but all the girls. So I’ll have to look really, really hard and make sure it’s a person who someone I can trust will vouch for. One of my best friends from back home is actually one of the house assistants. I need to know you’re not a crazy person. Everyone who works for the Kardashian family is part of this little tribe — assistants, makeup artists, housekeepers, security. We get each other Christmas presents, we take care of all the kids like they’re our own kids. It’s truly one big extended family.”

Image: Getty.

The assistants actually come up with some of the Kardashian’s best business ideas.

Because they're texting "all day", Shepherd days they just "bounce off ideas".

"We just bounce off ideas, like, 'Oh my God this is so funny, let’s make it a Kimoji!' It’s fun to have an idea and see it brought to life."

Shepherd has been a apart of conversations about prayer candles with Kim's face on them - a product that, in turn, created quite the controversy - a Kanye-themed emoji for Father's Day, and a purple flower for the anniversary of the Aremenian genocide

The staff learn a lot about business from Kris Jenner.

"Kris Jenner is a f*cking G. The biggest lesson she's taught me is to not procrastinate. When you want something done, get it done. If you're a procrastinator, this is not the world for you. If someone tells her no, she has no problem standing her ground and saying, 'We're not accepting that, get someone on the phone and make it happen.' That woman can literally get on the phone and change the world.


More impressively, however, is the way she manages to make sure everyone in her orbit gets a Christmas present.

"And somehow, she juggles all of these kids, all of their careers, and still makes sure that every assistant, every staff member, has a Christmas present, delivered to us by Christmas, with a thoughtful card. And it’s a nice ass Christmas present. That’s the kind of person I aspire to be one day."

Image: Getty.

The assistants are always there, but they’re not caught on camera.

Shepherd says that even though her face is occasionally caught on camera, it's never her intention.

"I've never really wanted to be front-and-center on the show. But the thing is, the girls really don't stop living their lives for the camera, so the reality is I'm often there, because I'm actually working. Sometimes the camera will catch that, but usually I look like sh*t because they'll always come when we're traveling somewhere, and I have on no makeup or just woke up!

"I think everyone thinks this job is super glamorous — and I can't lie, it is. Truly, this family is so much fun, and we go to some amazing places and do some incredible things. But don't forget that when you're an assistant, with all of that glamour comes schlepping the bags and the suitcases and taking the fall when the car doesn't show up or the flight is delayed or something goes wrong."

Kanye is actually very funny (apparently).

"I think people would be surprised to know how funny Kanye is. Do people know that he's funny? I know everyone thinks he's so deep and serious, but he's also so funny, like he has me rolling laughing, and sometimes I'm like, is this inappropriate that I'm laughing so hard? But he's just so f*cking hilarious, he has these one-liners, and he's just so unfiltered. He makes me laugh so hard, but he's also truly the hardest-working man I've ever met."

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