A fun multiple choice for the weekend.
What do you think when you look at this picture?
a) My, motherhood agrees with that lovely Kim Kardashian. Doesn’t she look delightful?
b) Holy cow, they’ve really upped the dress code for mums and bubs’ club.
c) Bbrrrrr, it’s a bit nippy to be out without a vest, isn’t it?
d) I need a good lie down.
I vote D. It must be truly, truly exhausting to be Kim Kardashian.
In this photograph, she is not coming from a photoshoot with Annie Leibowitz, or even going to lunch with Anna Wintour. She’s not going to the Oscars, or trying on a costume for another tasteful flim clip with her husband, Kanye West.
No. Kim is going out for dinner with her sister. Her sister.
And dinner with her sister requires full hair and make-up, yards of Hollywood tape and a great deal of front.
Oh, and a pram. Because Kim is a mum now, and the fact she manages to look like this while still nurturing a small person (North turned one on Sunday), makes me tired, but it got some other people rather excited.
“This photo is proof women can’t have it all,” declared Time.
“Kim is the ultimate Yummy Mummy!” yelled the British tabloids.
But really, this photo (and many, many others like it), just tells us that for Kim Kardasian and other young women like her, motherhood (or pregnancy, or age, or time of the month) does not excuse you from being HOT.
Because being hot is still one of the most valuable things that a woman can be.