
'Dear Kim Kardashian: We're done.'

There was a time, not so long ago, when I truly believed Kim Kardashian was the epitome of a modern feminist icon.

I believed she was, to use her words, ’empowered by her body, empowered by her sexuality, empowered by feeling comfortable in her own skin.’

I admired her business acumen; the fact that she’d built an empire on Keeping Up With the Kardashians but used her side hustles to elevate herself to entrepreneurial powerhouse status in the arenas of beauty, fashion and tech.

While she wasn’t a stereotypical businesswoman, her net worth of USD$350 million spoke loudly for itself. Even the most venomous hater would struggle to argue with her position as one of the most powerful influencers in the entire world.

And her influence, I might add, has often been put to good use. She has used it as a platform to campaign for gun control, to raise awareness about the Armenian genocide and to inform young people about Planned Parenthood.

Heck, with a single visit to the White House, she secured the freedom of Alice Marie Johnson, a 62-year-old black woman who was serving life without parole for a non-violent drug offence.

So with all of that in mind, it is hard for me to pinpoint exactly when the scales began to fall from my eyes; when my admiration for this woman began to unravel, allowing doubts to trickle, trickle in.

Perhaps it started with the waist trainers; corset-like contraptions Kim promised fans would squish and mold their young bodies into an approximation of her hour-glass curves. Despite health warnings – not to mention serious doubts about their effectiveness – she spruiked them on her Instagram account; an account with 115 million followers.

Perhaps I should have worried then.

More likely, though, it was the appetite suppressant lollipops that really got me concerned. The ones Kim plugged in a now deleted #ad on her Instagram, in which she described them as “literally unreal” while offering her followers a 15 per cent discount.


Suck it. Image: Instagram

The backlash was fierce. Fans were angry. I was one of them.

The diet industry, of course, relies on insecurities, weaknesses and naivety to make money. And Kim's fanbase - young and impressionable - is a hotbed for all of those things. Kim flouted the duty of care she has to them and failed every single one of them in favour of a quick buck she doesn't need. Because money is money, right?

It wasn't long before Kim was at it again. And the final straw came when she was filmed delighting in being described as "really skinny" and "anorexic" by sisters Khloe and Kendall.


"No like I'm really concerned, I don't think you're eating," Kendall tells Kim, before she replies: "What?! What?! Oh my god, thank you."

Video via Kim Kardashian

The gobsmacking comments were captured on Snapchat while the family was at a charity poker event and they send an undeniably damaging message. To most, of course, to have anorexia is to suffer from a debilitating mental illness. To Kim, it is the ultimate compliment.

And she really doesn't mind how many sets of young ears hear her say that, how many vulnerable minds she triggers.

From the laughter in the videos it is clear, however misguided, that the sisters were having a joke.

But, you know what? It's not funny. It's dangerous. And Kim, you need to do better.

I don't expect you to, though. You've shown what's important to you and it isn't the thoughts and feelings, the health and happiness of your fans. It is the money their admiration of you can generate. The ease with which you can further grow your gargantuan wealth with a selfie and a smile at their expense.

But there's no price tag on respect and Kim, you've most certainly lost a lot of that - along with a lot of fans. You and I, we're done.


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