
Kim Kardashian isn't bothering to follow Instagram's nudity guidelines anymore.

Over the years Kim Kardashian has pushed the boundaries of nudity in the public sphere.

There was her “internet breaking” Paper magazine cover, her silver-painted W magazine shoot and her black-lined bathroom mirror selfie.

All these images dance with nudity, yet stop just short of full-frontal exposure (except for the inside of that Paper issue), and thus fell within social media platforms such as Instagram’s “community standards”.

But this week, the 37-year-old stopped giving a flying fork about Instagram’s nudity guidelines.

Because, how else do you explain this poor, poor attempt to blur her nipples in the below photo?


Yep, still looks a lot like a nipple to us.

Don’t get us wrong, we support Kim’s moves to #freethenipple and have no kind feelings towards a system that deletes photos of a woman’s period, yet allows users like sex-chat worker SexyMinx69 to follow us.

And it seems that the minimal Photoshop job might have just managed to hold off the platform’s regulators. At the time of writing it’s been two hours since the image was posted and it has not been taken down.

Perhaps Zuckerberg’s just given up on quashing the mum-of-three’s dreams for us all to see her naked body.

Listen: Mia Freedman floats the case for realistic images on Instagram.

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