
This does not disqualify you from being a mum.

I’m on your side, Kim.

There is a constant battle of the mums. In the blue corner are the mums who stay at home. In the red corner are the mums who go to work. Many many rounds later, we are no closer to deciding who is a better mum.

But now the battle has been taken to the mum we all love to shame…Kim Kardashian.

Let me guess. You probably just thought…Is Kim really a mum? She seems to be constantly without North West (that’s her daughter in case you were wondering).

And that, my battling friends, is the very problem.

Kim posted the following to her 26 plus million Instagram followers.

Image via Kim Kardashian Instagram.

In case you can't read it, Kim captioned this with the lovely quote:

“Shoutout to all of the moms out there! Hardest, most rewarding & best job in the entire world!!! This couldn’t be more true! #ProudMom.”

For some of her followers, they got the right idea. Kim was doing a shout out to mums. And they thanked her, agreed with her and tagged their mummy friends.

However, some took it as the opportunity to lay evidence of how Kim, despite giving birth, is not, in fact, a mum.

"She has tons! of help, if she was such a good mommy she wouldn't put a fashion show before her daughter," read one.

"Aww that's cute. You dedicated this post to your nanny," read another.

Usually, I hate on celebs for saying how hard their life is and not acknowledging the 20 people who help them get through the day (like a nanny).

But, when Instagram trolls (because that's what they are) started to attack Kim, I got angry. At the trolls.

First, she wasn't really saying her life is hard. Or harder than non-celeb mums. Just that people don't give credit to mums for everything they do. Which is 100% true.

And secondly, and this is the point that had me in a rage, regardless of how much time North spends with the nanny, it doesn't make Kim any less of a mum. Don't believe me?

Kim trying to squeeze in some mummy time. Image via Instagram.

Are you a working mum? Do you juggle between grandparents caring for your child and dropping them at day care?

Are you a SAHM? Do you drop your child off at day care one day a week for socialisation (and relish in being able to do something for 8 hours without a little one attached to your hip)?

Do you go on date nights and get the baby sitter to look after your kids?

Do you thank the heavens for drop-off birthday parties so you can have some me time on the weekend?

Saying yes to any of these doesn't make you any less of a mum. It doesn't take away the mummy guilt mums feel. It doesn't mean you don't get up at 2am because the 5 year old wants a glass of water and 4am because Bam Bam was dropped on the floor and your toddler is convinced the monster took it.  It doesn't make you worry any less than a mum who is with their child every minute of every day.

And that's why I support Kim on this. Sure, she probably has more help than most mums (but with her salary, we all would have that help). But it doesn't take away from being a mum.

I bet, even with multiple nannies and designer clothes, Kim lays awake at night next to Kanye worrying about if she is doing a good enough job.

And she may be everything to everyone (and far to often people's punching bag), but at the end of the day, she is a mum to North West.

To North West, Kim is everything. Image via Instagram.

What do you think? Is it fair to criticise mums for not being with their children 24/7?

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“I’m all for making parenting easy but this is just not on.”

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