
Kim Kardashian is "America's new First Lady" and we cannot stop staring.

The style of former First Lady Jackie Kennedy is instantly recognisable. It’s as timeless as it is iconic; the blow-dried-to-perfection brunette bouffant; the fitted Chanel dress suit; the white gloves; the necklace of pearls.

It’s a representation of class and power, tied together by a picture-perfect family of long-socked children – as photogenic as an ‘all American dream’ must be.

Now, however, reality TV queen Kim Kardashian West has donned the “Jackie Drag” for the latest issue of Interview and we can’t look away.


Introduced on the cover as “America’s new first lady”, this is power dressed up as power, taken to a whole new level.

It’s also, people hope, a sneaky sign her husband, rap artist Kanye West, is planning to run for president – an idea he’s spoken about (semi-seriously) on a handful of occasions.


During the interview with (ahem) Interview, the 36-year-old mother-of-two spoke about keeping the lives of her children (relatively) private in a world built on over-sharing.

“We have strict rules about the kids. Some seasons they’re not on at all,” Kardashian West said. “Some seasons [of Keeping Up With the Kardashians] they’re on a little bit, just to show a bit of personality, although there are never storylines about them. But then there’s social media, on which I’ve always been really open.”

“When I’m out and people call North’s name, that’s when it’s weird for me. She lives such a normal life, believe it or not, at home.”


Kardashian West spoke about her ‘typical’ day running a business empire that spans television, cosmetics, and clothing. Oh, plus raising a family.

“I wake up early, like six in the morning. I try to work out before the kids get up, and then I have breakfast with them and my husband,” she said. “I try to make sure we have set meals at home, to keep everything as normal as possible. And then I get to work.”

“[In my office] I have mood boards of so many different things in front of me; maybe 15 perfume samples sitting on my table. And then for our kids’ line, I have maybe 200 samples of bathing suit fabrics that I have to go through. I’ll usually have wardrobe fittings for myself. Then I might have—and I’m not joking—300 makeup products to go through and consider for a future project. In between, I’m taking my son to a music class and my daughter to a horseback riding class.”


She spoke on raising a mixed raced daughter, four-year-old North (also featured in the shoot), in the current world.

“Kanye always has his family around and people who look like my daughter—that’s important to me,” Kardashian West said. “She’s obsessed with her curly hair, and if she finds someone who has the same hair, she runs to them and is like, ‘You have curly hair like me?’ And we get to talk about it.”

There’s one question, though, which remains unanswered:

How on earth did Kardashian West survive that photoshoot, considering her co-star was her four-year-old daughter who (like any other four-year-old girl) wouldn’t be inclined to sit still for anything?

Oh, the unknown powers of America’s next First Family.

How the Kardashian’s have changed TV…

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