
Kim Kardashian tries to adopt a teenager. The teenager says, no thanks.

She doesn’t want to keep up with the Kardashians.

Kim Kardashian, 33, has done many things. She’s released a sex tape, taken nude photos, designed clothes, fragrances and bags… but Kim-K has never adopted a child. Apparently, it’s on her bucket list though.

Kim’s desire to adopt all started when the Kardashian Klan visited an orphanage in Phang Nga, a poverty-stricken region of Thailand. It was here that Kim befriended 13-year-old Laddawan Tong-Keaw, visiting her twice after their initial meeting.

The Kardashian family visiting an orphanage in Thailand.

Laddawan Tong-Keaw, whose nickname is Pink, said, "We had a connection straight away. I think she is really pretty and she has a very nice personality.” Sweet.

Kim was also smitten with the teenager: "When you meet someone that you really connect to like this, you can't help but think like how you could change their life," she gushed.

"I think that looking into adoption would be amazing."

Kim and "Pink" playing at the orphanage.

Kim couldn't stop thinking about taking the teenager back to the US with her. “I literally cannot stop thinking about her. I told Kanye, I was like, honestly, this girl is so sweet and so cute, like, I would honestly adopt her.”

So yes, Kim genuinely wanted to adopt Pink.

So... Pink said no.

But she couldn't. Because Pink said no.

“Everyone wants to have a different or a better life, I suppose,” said Pink, who dreams of studying in Thailand and helping her orphaned peers. “But when I thought about it I realised it wouldn’t be good for me, because I would have to leave so much behind. I wasn’t ready for that.”

Pink wasn't ready to leave behind her friends.

Is this the only person to ever turn down Kim Kardashian?

We think so.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery to see what Kim Kardashian has been up to...

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